Chapter 25

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''You're missing focus. Your feet are too close, you can't possibly be stable like that.'' Oliver pushed me on the side which made me stumble and only proved his point. I was worn out, sweating through my suit and I knew I wasn't standing properly to defend myself. I was getting hungry as lunch had rolled by but we never took a break. Now we had been at it for a few hours and my focus was indeed nowhere to be found.

''Can't we take a pause?'' I asked trying to keep the whine out of my voice.

''You wanted to train, that's what we're doing,'' Oliver said simply.

''I'm hungry and I need a break,'' I said dropping my stance and facing him.

''I thought you were used to starvation.'' His eyes gleamed with mischief.

My mouth fell open at the obnoxious comment. How could he even say that? How could he make fun of someone's misery?

''What did you just say?'' I slowly asked.

He took an innocent act, ''Oh wait, was it starvation or homeless, I didn't quite get it during your presentation.''

''What is your problem?'' I snapped incredulously. He hadn't been so blunt towards me since my first day here.

''Were you always that whiny? Or do you whine here because you think you're worth it?''

I couldn't stop my fist as I tried to punch him. He dodged it easily.

''You need to put much more weight behind that punch if you want to hurt me.''

My feet spread more apart, my right slightly behind and I was ready to hit harder. My punches came one after the other but he kept blocking them.

''As I thought, you're just one pathetic little girl who can't even hit.''

I got angrier and punched faster in different angles trying to get to him but he was quick to stop me every time. Ticked off at my unsuccessful attempts, I kicked him in his side and he took hold of my leg without letting go.

''Give it back!'' I roared. The innocent act was long gone as he pulled on my leg, dragging me closer. He held me tightly, my arms squeezed under his grip.

''Listen carefully.'' He whispered dangerously, ''You fought no matter what to train. You've lived worst back in your village than here. At least you know when you're done here, you'll have a meal, a shower, and a bed. Now stop whining and train because after all, it's your fault if more men go to war each year.''

He let go of me and I stumbled backward, staring at him in surprise. So he was mad? Furious that I had brought more fighters into this war. Everything was my fault and now he thought of me as a cry baby.

''Fine.'' I walked past him, hitting his shoulder on the way.

Every man in the room watched me leave and Hayz got up to follow me down the hall.

''What did you expect, she's a girl. She can't take that much.'' Someone said in the room and I started running when I was out of sight tears of frustration and fatigue forming in my eyes.

I'm just a girl, just a stupid pathetic girl, right?

I was so in my head, cursing after myself that I never heard the cries until Hayz pulled me backward slapped a hand on my mouth to prevent me from yelling.

''Shhh.'' She whispered and we both eavesdropped right beside the corner.

''Stop please.'' Someone said between sobs.

''You liked it last time, didn't you?'' A shiver went down my spine at the King's voice.

''Please, I won't tell anyone if you let me go.''

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