The beginning

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(*3rd POV*)

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN ONE MORE JOB?!" Destiny shouted at her commander.

"I know your pissed off-" he begins to say, but was cut off by Destiny.

"Pissed off? pissed off?! Pissed off doesn't even begin to describe how angry I am!" Destiny shouted.

"It's just one more job." he reasons.

"No! I was suppose to be done after the last assignment!" Destiny shouted again.

"I know, but orders are orders. I mean these people need your help." Destiny's Commander reasons.

"Why me." Destiny whines.

"Because, you are the strongest guardian angel that we have." He says.

"Tch, fine. Who the fuck am I to guard now?" Destiny asks impatiently.

"Well, your suppose to actually help humanity, and by doing so you are paired up with their strongest soldier by the name of (f/n) (l/n)" He says.

"Tch, fine, just give me his files, along with anyone else that may be important there." Destiny says.

"Taking the job seriously, I see." He says chuckling a bit.

"Even if I don't want this job, I'm still going to protect those who need protecting." Destiny says as she snatch's the large files of essentially everyone that seems to be important.

"I'll be ready to take off in about 30 minutes." Destiny says as she sits on a chair and began reading each person's file.

"I expect no less of you." Destiny's commander says as he leaves to prepare your trip.

'(f/n) (l/n), huh.' Destiny thinks as she begins to read (y/n) files.

His Guardian AngelWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt