Chapter 2

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Sophie above
Jasper and I were now on our way to the Children's Hospital. So far, today has been so lame. I understand as royals it is our job to encourage the community but mother always sticks me with all of the visits she or my brother don't want to do. Jasper exited the car first. He checked in with the guards stationed at the hospital and then he came back to the car for me. He held the door open allowing me to exit.

As we walked to the children's ward I couldn't help feel pity for all of these children. Living in a hospital was no way to live. As I entered the ward the hospital had already arranged a group of kids for me to talk to. The media were a safe distance away, they were there to document my actions and report on my flaws. It doesn't matter if I were to give enough money to help draught struck countries they would then complain of not helping sooner or even making the draught happen, like I can control the weather.

I sat down with the kids as they talked me through why they were there. There was one little girl. She was ghostly pale and had thinning hair. The girl had cancer, yet she didn't cry about it she played the best she could. She is brave, braver than I at least.

We spent a few hours getting to know these kids and they were all such amazing inspirations. Once were sat back in the car I laid back in my seat. I sat still looking at Jasper. Tears welled in my eyes as I thought back to those kids. He gave me as small smile "you were great then princess."

I wiped the stray tear that fell from my eye "can I tell you a secret Jasper?" He nodded his head patiently waiting for me to continue "I hate this world. I honestly do because there are people out there that are sick and dying and they taken the cards of life they have been given. Yet, there are people like my uncle that milk everything they can out off such petty things."

Jasper glanced down at my hand considering something for a moment. It wasn't long until he grabbed my hand giving it a gentle squeeze. It was a quiet drive to our last event and it was a rather long drive. I knew we were no longer in a safe neighbourhood by the lack of care giving to the surrounding structure. Buildings were falling apart and the yards show the lack of care for appearance. I was beginning to get nervous "what's our last stop Jasper?"

Jasper has a look through today's itinerary, his long fingers ran across the words "your last stop is to the community centre here. It doesn't give any other details other then your attendance needed to be here before four and it is now half past three."

As the car pulled into the street parking Jasper exited the car first to check the building for any dangers. When he came back he once again opened my door. He walked behind me. As I entered the building a group of people sat in a circle. I stopped in my tracks. I knew what this was, I knew my mother was setting me up. I ran into Jasper as I tried to turn around. He held my arms stopping me from leaving. There was a ten centimetre gap between our faces.

Jasper spoke quietly trying to calm me down "it's okay Princess. They are having their weekly Narcotics Anonymous meeting. The Queen must want them to know that the Royal family care about their recovery."

I let out a shaky breath sitting in the chair furtherest from the group, Jasper stood by the door. As the meeting began to wrap up, the man who appeared to be the leader stood up "I would like to thank you all for coming here today. I would also like to thank Your Royal Highness Sophia for coming today to attend one of our meetings."

I acknowledged the man by nodding in his direction. As everyone left they didn't bother to stay around to chat, not that I minded. Only Jeremy the group leader came over for a chat. After he was done talking I rushed Jasper back towards the car.

My hands cradled my head as I began to cry. I could feel as Jasper became stiff, he didn't know how to respond to a crying Princess. Suddenly, a large firm arm wrapped around my waist. Jasper had pulled me into his chest. I then began to cry harder. His fingers soothingly ran down my ribs until I had ran out of tears. I laughed sadly "I'm sorry for ruining your shirt Mr Evans."

He spoke huskily "it's just a shirt."

I cuddled into his chest "thank you, Jasper."

He gave my arms a reassuring squeeze "anytime."

Later on in that evening mum met us as we walked back into the palace. She greeted me in her high pitched voice. I refused to answer. She then had to go and poke the bear didn't she. She laughed "how was today, sweetie?"

I shrugged my shoulder "today was depressing, I think now I need to go to my room for a pick me up. What do you say mother should I pop a few pills. Should I use LSD or some E. You choose mother because that's what you didn't today, you chose."

I didn't wait for her response nor did I wait for Jasper. I ran up to my room and a slammed my door. I started to pace the room. How dare she blind side me like that. As I continuously went over today I didn't hear the knock on the door. It wasn't until I heard the door close that I turned around to acknowledge who was there. Jasper stood there with a rather confused look on his face.

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