Hunter leaves the room and I continue to watch Hayden as he builds a massive fort with his teammates. Fortnite is his favorite game and he'd play all day and night if mom let him. I tried to play once and he almost had a stroke watching me fumble through it. He kept shouting at me to build this and hide under that. It was like a mini drill sergeant possessed my little brother.

That was the first and last time I ever attempted it.

I'm so fascinated by the epic building going on that I don't realize the air has changed until it's too late. Looking over my shoulder I see the honeyed stare of Phoenix as he takes me in, silently fuming over my position on Slater.

At first I feel the sadness return, then irritation. Who is he to get upset by me leaning on a friend?

He's mated to his!

With that thought fresh in my mind I snub him and resume watching my brother play, though I don't for a minute believe I can forget him completely. I sense him there with every part of my being.

Feeling my body tense, Slater puts his arm around me in comfort. He has no clue what I'm going through but he's there for me nonetheless.

"Still not feeling well tiny tot?" He asks, though his eyes remain glued to the screen.

"Not really, but hopefully it's something I can get out of my system soon. The sooner the better."

I don't doubt Phoenix heard the hidden message in my reply, it's made evident by the way he practically stomps over to our couch to stand directly behind me.

"Can we talk?" He asks, surprising almost everyone in the room aside from Hayden who is still concentrating on his battle.

I look from him to Slater and can see the questions forming in his mind. He's quickly distracted when Hayden jumps up shouting that he got the last kill, winning the game for his team. I'm jostled a bit as Slater stands and lifts him up in congratulations, the other guys doing the same. Even Eric and Grayson get in on the action.

I guess these guys really love their Fortnite. 

As they argue over who gets to play next, I walk around the couch and pass Phoenix trying desperately not to inhale his intoxicating scent. I motion for him to follow me.

I lead him down the hallway and out the front door. No words are spoken as he follows me to my grandmother's gazebo. It's white with bougainvillea flowers covering the pillars that hold it up. The top is dome shaped and provides just enough shade that we can sit on the swinging chair that hangs from it. I do just that while Phoenix makes himself comfortable leaning against the pillar directly across from me.

I look around, only then realizing Jeanette wasn't with them. As if knowing my thoughts, Phoenix says, "She's helping your mother in the kitchen."

I raise a brow, I thought mom didn't need help. Obviously she used her sneaky ways to give Phoenix and myself a chance talk. 

"I hope that's okay, being this is your home" he states.

"Why wouldn't it be? Just because we're mates doesn't mean I'm going to forbid her from coming here. For one, I don't have the authority to do that and for another, there's no reason to. You obviously chose her as your mate. Who am I to say she's not allowed here just because you couldn't wait for me?" I try to keep up a false bravado, but the way my voice wobbles at the end is a dead giveaway how hard this is for me.

Phoenix takes a step forward as if he wants to comfort me, but my raised hand stops his movement. "I didn't choose her, Hayley. That's not what this is."

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