The Dirty Book

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This was the life you thought, It was like scene from a movie as you sat curled up at the end of the sofa opposite a roaring log fire. It was made even better by the view in front of you, and you didn't mean the beautiful snow covered mountains outside the window.

You were talking about a certain gorgeous Irishman who was topping up the fire with a few more logs. He was wearing shorts, despite the plummeting temperatures outside, the muscles in his back visible under his t-shirt as he moved. Averting your eyes before he turned around, you carried on reading your book.

Squeezing your thighs together to ease the aching throb that had started, you desperately tried to focus on the words on the page.

"Jessica was panting as she rode Garrett, sex was always fast and hard with him, just the way she liked it."

Same Jessica, same.

Niall took his seat at the other end of the sofa, putting some golf highlights on the tv. He stretched his leg out in front of him, a large ice pack rested across his right knee. His sock covered toes tucked themselves under your blanket, his feet tickling you against your thigh.

"Why did you choose to come skiing for your sisters birthday if you don't like it?" Niall asked smiling and taking a sip of his beer. The day time drinking had commenced, Niall's reasoning was that it was 5 o'clock somewhere.

"I came for the log fire, the hot tub and the wine!" You replied smiling back and raising your wine glass to him. "Why did you come when you have old man knees?!"

"Shut it cheeky! I came to keep Willie company, he was a bit nervous as he doesn't know many of Vicky's friends boyfriends that well."

You had met Niall numerous times in the six months your sister Vicky had been dating Niall's cousin Willie. Pub trips, gigs and game nights at their shared apartment had occurred loads of times. He was easy going and you enjoyed his company. When he had decided to head up to the chalet after an hour or two on the slopes you had jumped at the chance to come back too, skiing just wasn't your thing.

"How's the knee feeling?" You asked, leaning over and lifting up the ice pack to see if it was swollen.

"It's feeling ok. I think I'll put the ice pack back in the freezer actually."

He rose from the sofa and made his way into the kitchen, the heat you'd felt from the contact of his body was gone. A few seconds later he appeared with the bottle of wine and topped up your glass.

"Thanks lovely."

"So how's your dirty book?" He asked you as he sat back down, his body closer to you this time.

"My dirty book?!" You said raising your eyebrows.

"Yeah, your dirty book! Looked pretty racy when I peeked at it earlier."

"It's not dirty or racy, it's just a bit of erotica!" You replied smiling.

"Soft porn more like."

"Is Niall Horan admitting to knowing about soft porn?!"

"I'm a man, of course I know about it!"

"Women can enjoy it to you know." You said.

"Never said they couldn't! Are you ok with me sitting here or are you planning on having some private time while you read?!" He asked wiggling his eyebrows at you.

"Private time? God Niall!"

"Hey, it's natural, we all do it!"

"Never said it wasn't." You said giving him a wink.

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