Life is sweet

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I live in the most beautiful place ever seen, it's so green in the summer with all the tree's a there is fields falling apon felids. But my favourite thing is in autumn when the leaves have fallen and they crunch beanth your feet with every step you take, but I'm not happy. It's not a good thing to not be happy where I'm from, the government have made it a law that everything in everyone's life should be as perfect as possible. Sounds great right? No that means if you don't sugar coat it when you tell people bad news you are to be executed. That's why being a messager was the most dangerous job of all, my godfather was the last messager but one day he had to tell a family that they're daughter was killed in a car accident and we'll as you can guess it's hard to sugar coat that.We were close me at Grey my godfather that is, I remember him telling me on the morning of his execution that when i look up in to the sky at sunrise just to remember him. The things is I do every morning I wake up and look in to the hills next to were I live and just above that I see the sunrise. Even when it's no longer rising I sit there and think back to the times I had with Grey that is intill I hear my mother calling me down for breakfast. My name is Delilah and I'm 17 years old I have curly long mousey brown hair and Green eyes which sometimes go Blue , I've lived in the the same house all my life with my mum, dad and Nate my older bother and Sapphire my older sister. We all live in a big wooden Chalet in the middle of the woods next to the main village. After world war four all the counties split of and made the own country's, I believe that it use to be called Devon but it's now know as Albero Di Paese which means tree country in Italian. Every Sunday morning after breakfast we all get in to our Sunday best and go down to the city hall for any new announcements. When you get to the age of 20 you most be married, Sapphire is married but Michael her husband,is aways stay at his mother's as she is sick and takes there two kids with him, Nate was married but she was sad killed last year in an armed robbery. I am Ment to be think about marriage as lost of people me age have got engaged but thats Is hard when you haven't found the right person .

Today is a normal Sunday morning we got ready and walked to the town square as soon as we got there I saw my best friends Willow and Clara and Clara's fiancée Duke. As I walked over Willow beemed at me, she is the type over girl everyone just got along with she was kind and genital and was always there for you no matter what, she is a small girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes. "Oh look what crawled out of the woods" Clara said jokingly as he spotted me. Clara my other best friend had very similar eyes and a a dark blonde hair she was a smart strong young lady who knew what she wanted in life. "Yeah, wishing I hadn't now I've seen your face" I said jokingly hugging them all. Just as Duke went to talk a loud bang of a symbol rung around the whole village, then  Present Ash walked forward and spoke "as you all know so well there is to two new boys join us today as there are more girls then boys which is not good for marriage and breeding I hope all the families have put there names in the hat to see who these boys should be staying with". I looked over and caught mum's eyes she was quite a forgetful woman and it was a crime not volunteer for the good of our country, she nodded I gave a big sigh of relief and faced the front. Next to Present Ash there was a big bowl with all the family names in he reached in the bowl then spoke "the family to be looking after the first boy is...... The Stevens family" I heard a big sight from beside me "that's me have share my room then" said Duke, Clara hugged him then she turned to face the front again "the next family to take in the second boys is..... The Mayflowers" boomed president Ash.

This Ment that the second boy was to be staying with Clara. When the square was clear I found my mum and told her I was going to stay at Willows for the night. Once she agreed we to ran off the find Clara. When we got to her house we saw a young boy sat in the window crying. As we entered the house the boy stopped looked at us then carried on. Willow walked over to him "please don't cry they will kill us"she said to the boy who about our age with blonde hair and small green eyes. "But I've lost everything and now there splitting me up from Chase" sopped the boy trying to hold back the tears"Who is Chase and what's your name " said Willow sweetly."Fuck silly me my name is Luke and chase is the boy who also got send here". We all looked at each other then Clara spoke "why didn't you just say. He is living with my Duke we can go see him now if you want". Willow told him to go wipe his eyes and then we would go and see Duke and chase. "what a wimp, thought boys weren't Ment to cry" said Clara as soon as Luke left the room. "Don't be mean I think he is kinda cute" Said Willow twirling her hair with her fingers. "I wonder what he Ment by he has lost everything where is he from where are his family" I said looking at the both the room went silent. Half an hour later we were knocking at Dukes door, "Hey guys" he said looking a bit puzzled but letting us in anyway. "mum is out so it's just me and Chase... Umm that's the kid we got from the choosing" he said walking us in to his living room. In the corner was a boy with Almost black hair and eyes almost as blue the sky he was wearing black skinny jeans and a dark blue shirt which had all the buttons done up. "Chase"screamed Luke running over to him and imbracing him in a bear hug. "Wow already won the lady's over sai scoffed Chase looking at us. Luke smiled and Introduced us all one by one chase did not say a word but just nodded at each of us. After being introduced me and Willow said our good byes and left for her house.

I love my sleep overs with Willow we just lay there and talk for hours and hours about marriage and boys and we'll life."soo what do you think of Chase" said said "he is your type with the hair and the eyes even the way he was dressed" I looked at her and laughed "I agree he is but he seems a bit of a dickhead and he doesn't seem to happy how is he gonna survive here" I said looking out her window. "We will look after him and his Friend Luke" Willow said holding my hand "they won't end up like Grey I promise".

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