To the rescue

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    I walked through the paddock, tightly clutching my press pass. Nico was currently off doing an promotional event for the team and I didn’t have anything lined up at the moment. So, I was aimlessly walking around waiting for him to get done and hoping to get some inspiration for my next article.

    “Who’s life are you out to ruin today?” A voice came from right behind me. Too close for comfort.

    I kept walking. Hoping that if I ignored him he would get bored and go away. Even though I knew this was highly unlikely. He jogged a bit to catch up and keep pace with me.

    “or can you not top words like ‘Raikkonen is just as heartless as the media portrays him. In fact, they are actually sugar coating who Kimi really is.’ I mean, it really is your best work. I’m not sure you can beat an article as good as that.” the iceman taunted.

    “You’re not doing much to prove my portrayal of you as wrong.” I said bitterly.

    “Ouch. I deserved that.” he feigned hurt.

    “Just leave me alone.”

    “Where is your incredible Hulk to protect you now?” he grabbed hold of my wrist. I tried to jerk away, but he was too strong.

    “Let go of me.” I said through gritted teeth. “I’ll scream.”

    “I’ll make sure to tell Hulk that I made you scream too.” he said wickedly “See I can twist my words just like you can.”

    “You’re sick.” I tried to pull out of his grasp.

    “Oh, you have nothing to worry about. I have to pay for it if I want a woman to sleep with me. Remember? You said that in your article.”

    “Please just let me go.” I begged.

    “Can’t take your own words?” he spat bitterly, letting go of my wrist. “Maybe you shouldn’t write it if you can’t take it.”


    I was sitting in my hotel room crying when Nico came in. He automatically sat down on the bad and pulled me into his arms. I curled up into his chest and continued to sob while Hulk comfortingly ran his hands through my hair.

    “What did he do now?” Nico finally asked once my crying had subsided.

    “Just being himself.” I shook my head.

    Post-race I was making my way through downtown Montreal, trying to find coffee before I headed off to the airport to catch my flight. Nico had already left and I was alone again. The streets were dark with the exception of a few scattered street lights. The district was mostly comprised of trendy bars, where I saw members of some of the winning teams standing outside of.

    “Hey honey!” I heard an unfamiliar voice calling out. “Hey, yeah you. Come over here.”

    I glanced briefly over my shoulder to see a group of three intoxicated men, standing slightly out of the light. I kept walking, trying to ignore them. A plan that hadn’t been working out for me lately.

    “Where are you going?” the voices were getting closer. I sped up, trying to get to one of the bars and maybe find someone I knew that would act as a buffer and discourage the men.

    The footsteps and calls only grew closer and closer and I decided my only option was to take off running, but it was too late. A hand grasped my jacket and jerked me back violently into their chest. The smell of smoke and liquor instantly overwhelmed my nostrils.

    “Why are you running honey? We haven’t had our fun yet?” the voice whispered in my ear. Hot tears streamed down my face.

    I tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but it was useless. The man had a firm grip on me now, and I was outnumbered anyway.

    “Please let me go.” I cried.

    “Not a chance.” the man grinned horribly. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and prepared for the worst as I heard the sound of a zipper.

    “I’d re-think that if I were you.” a familiar voice came out of nowhere. My eyes shot open and standing before me was a man I would normally be very displeased to see, but under these circumstances I was thankful for even him.

    “Hey buddy, back off. We don’t want trouble.” the instigating man said.

    “I’ll leave without any trouble as soon as you unhand my girlfriend.” Kimi said firmly, his blue eyes staring intensely at the men.

    “Oh, man… I’m so sorry.” I felt the grip on my arms release, allowing my to collapse onto my knees. The concrete scratching my bare skin.

    And before I knew it the men had disappeared into the alley where they came from. Kimu lifted me up from the ground. Pulling my shaking form into his arms.

    “Shhh” he cooed softly into my ear, rubbing my back in small comforting circles.

    Deep, heaving sobs escaped my chest and a steady stream of tears flowed down my face as I clung to Kimi, who was surprisingly soft and warm.

    “It’s alright. Everything’s okay.” he said quietly into my ear.

    “Th-th-thank you.” I finally managed in-between cries.

    “No trouble. No need thanks.” he mumbled with broken English, tangling his fingers in my hair and allowing my to bury my face further into his chest.

    Finally I managed to pull myself together. I broke apart from him, wiping my eyes gingerly.
    “Please… don’t tell Nico about this.” I said looking away. Kimi nodded.

    “Are you going to be alright? Do you need me to get you back to your hotel?” Kimi seemed worried.

    I shook my head.

    “I’ve got a flight to catch.”

    “Let me get you a cab then.” he said pulling out his phone and calling a cab.

    Kimi stood close to me until the cab finally arrived.

    “Are you going to be alright?” he asked, his blue eyes were deep and full of concern.

    “Yeah, I’ve got it from here.” I replied softly “Thank you again, if you hadn’t been there…” I shuddered, not wanting to think of what was going to happen.

    “I know.” he looked equally upset over what would have happened if he hadn’t showed up. “Take care.” he said closing the door to the cab.

    I looked out the window at him and watched him grow smaller in the distance until I could no longer see him. Leaving me sitting in the cab, more confused and conflicted than ever.


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