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Your POV

You turned off your phone and sighed.Those boys were always arguing,never seeming to get along with one another.You got up from the dining table,you put your coffee mug in the sink and quickly grabbed your phone.You headed out the front door,heading to the park to meet your friend,Jeon Jungkook.Jungkook was your closest friend,he was always there to support you when you needed it.He could walk into a room and smile he bright,playful smile,making people fall in love with him.You noticed your thoughts were getting out of control,you quickly stopped thinking about Jungkook,looking down at your shoes to distract yourself.

As your walking,you bump into someone and fall to the ground,they quickly spin around and look down at you.You snap out of your gaze and look up,shocked to see a boy around your age looking down at you.His face filled with concern."Are you okay?!"the boy said to her.You looked up and nodded,"yea,I'm fine.Thanks."The boy held his hand out and you took it,him lifting you up."I'm San."he said to you,smiling.You smiled back,"I'm Y/N.Nice to meet you San!"San grinned,he looked a little bit pink,was he blushing?"It's nice to meet you to...Y/N"he said,pausing before saying your name.You nodded,noticing his face."I should get going,I have to meet with my friend."you say nervously.San nods,looking down at your phone."...Can I have your number,Y/N?"he says,sounding a bit nervous."Sure,put your number into my phone"handing him the phone,he quickly types his number into your phone.You watch him send a message to his phone,and hear his phone buzz in his pocket.He hands it back to you and smiles,"I'll see you around Y/N."You smile back and nod,"Yea.See you!"you both smile at each other,then continue on your separate ways.

9:20 AM

As your walking to the park fountain,you think about San.He seemed sweet,the way he looked at you was...unforgettable.Thinking about him made you blush,yet you couldn't even tell.As you arrive at the fountain,you see Jungkook smirking.What was he smirking for?"What's that stupid smirk for J.K?"you say.Jungkook tries not to giggle,his face going red from holding in his laughter."Who's the luck guy?"he says to you,smirking.You glare at him,and with that you walk off.Jungkook runs after you,"Aw Y/N don't be mad!I was just joking with youu!!"he said,whining a bit.You continue walking not glaring at him,you pull out your phone and open the conversation between you and San.

Y/N:Hey San,can you pick me up by any chance?I'm not in the mood to walk home,sorry if this is so sudden to ask.

Choi_San:Okay Y/N,where are you at?

Y/N:I'm still at the park.By the fountain,hurry please.

Choi_San:I'm here,where you at?

Y/N:That was fast-

Choi_San:I was still in the park silly.

You feel someone poke your shoulder.You jump,thinking it was Jungkook.But instead,you find San staring at you,smiling a bit.You turn off your phone and smile."Hey San!"you say.Getting up from the bench.San grins,"hi Y/N!Why did you need me to pick you up?"he said.You look behind San and see Jungkook,frowning a bit.You pretend not to notice and look back at San,"oh uhhh,I was feeling a bit weird and I don't feel well enough to walk home.."you said,looking back down at your feet."Oh,well of course I can drive you home!"San replied,smiling.You continue to look down at your feet,that's when all of a sudden you hear a slap.

You look up,startled.You notice Jungkook,his face with anger,and San,his face red from where Jungkook slapped him."Jungkook..!Stop!!"you say,shaking.Jungkook looks at you,and his angry expression melts away.He pulls you into a hug and you look up at him,his face looks filled with worry."Im sorry Y/N..I thought he was going to hurt you..."he said quietly.You shake your head,"San won't hurt me,don't worry."you say,reassuringly.Jungkook lets go of you and nods.You peek behind him at San,who's sitting on the bench,rubbing the area where he got slapped.You elbow Jungkook and he steps forward."Uhh,sorry for slapping you"he says,a bit nervously.San looks up,his expression neutral."Why did you even slap me?"he says,looking down at the ground.Jungkook sighs,"because I thought you were gonna hurt her."he says.You stand behind Jungkook watching the two."I'll be going then,since your friend can take you home Y/N."he says,getting up.With that,he smiles a little bit then walks away.

You feel Jungkook pat you on the head and you look up,seeing him smile a bit.You smile back,looking up at Jungkook."We should get you home Y/N"Jungkook says.You nod in agreement,and the two of you begin walking to your apartment.Talking to each other on the way.Halfway to your house,you begin to feel even more tired than  before."Jungkoo-...".With that,you pass out.

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