The Mess Monster

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  • Dedicated to Thank you to my family for support and thank you to my beautiful Isabella.


The Mess Monster© by: J Hazen Buss  

         "Alex, wake up! Why is your room a mess again?” his mother said.

         “What?” Alex exclaimed as he popped his head up from under his covers.  As he looked

around the room he couldn’t believe his eyes. Clothes were everywhere, books were on the floor,

and toys were scattered from one end of the room to the other. 

          “I promise you, I don’t know why my room is a mess!”

           “Alex, Get this room cleaned up and come for breakfast, NOW!” his mother said as she

stormed out of the messy room.

            Alex frowned.  “Who messed up my room? I know I didn’t do it!  Maybe it’s my little sister,

Bella.  But why would she do that? All she cares about are dollhouses and baby dolls.  I don’t know

why, but I’m going to find out!”  Alex thought of a plan as he began to clean up his room.

      That night, Alex couldn’t wait to go to bed so he could catch Bella in the act. He planned to stay

up all night and wait for her to come into his room. When she did, he would jump up and yell

“GOTCHA!” and scare his little sister so bad, she would never come in his room again!  Alex turned

off his light, nuzzled down in his covers and stared at his door, waiting for his  sister.   

      Alex laid in his bed for hours. His eyes were sleepy. He looked around his clean room.

            “I’m being silly!  Bella is not coming!  I’m going to sleep!” pouting at his  silly idea. 

            “Who’s Bella?” a voice whispered in his ear.

             “AHHH!” Alex screamed as he jumped up and quickly turned on his  lamp.  He couldn’t

believe his eyes! He saw a two-inch, little green monster standing on his pillow smiling!

            “I’m dreaming!  I’m dreaming!” Alex repeated as he stared at the monster.  “Who are you?”

            “I’m Marty, who are you?” asks the green monster matter of factly.

            “I’m Alex.”

 Both the boy and green monster stared at each other for another moment.

            “Nice to meet you, now if you will excuse me…” the monster said as he threw Alex’s pillow

on the ground.

            “Hey! Stop that! Why are you messing up my room, Messy, Marty Monster?” Alex said sternly

as he swiped up his pillow from the ground.

             “I’m not. I am looking for my blanket,”

              “Your blanket?” Alex asked as he raised one eyebrow.

              “Yes. Its blue... with a rocketship on it,” the monster said with a big smile.

               Alex shook his head. “So, you aren’t here to mess up my room? You are just some

monster that is looking for your blanket, and you think it’s somewhere here?”

                “Why, yes. This is where I left it” Marty said.

               Alex shook his head again. “Listen, Mess Monster, if you promise not to mess up my room,

I will help you look for your blanket tomorrow, and you can tell me where you came from and why

you left your blanket in my room. But right now  I’m tired and I need to get some sleep. I’ve got to go

to school in the morning. We can figure this out later. Okay?”

                “Okay,” said Marty.

                “Okay, well, good night Messy…I mean Marty,” Alex said.

                “Alex, can I ask you something? Marty asked shyly.  “Would it be ok if  I stayed here in your

room tonight? I haven’t slept well since I lost my  blue blanket with the rocketship on it.”

                 Alex looked at the sad little monster. “Sure, Messy. Come on, let’s go to sleep,” he said as

he turned off the light.

     The next morning, Alex opened his tired eyes and remembered the excitement of the night

before. He looked around and saw his new friend fast asleep on his pillow.

                “Time for breakfast,” his mother called from the kitchen. Alex quietly slipped out of bed, put

his school clothes on and headed for the dining room table, leaving his little friend to sleep some


Bella sat at the table, playing with her baby doll. As Alex sat down for breakfast, he noticed the

blonde baby doll all dressed up and covered with…The BLUE BLANKET!

 Thank you for reading The Mess Monster by Jennifer Hazen Buss. If you would like to read the full version of The Mess Monster and other books in the Monster Series on your Kindle/Fire, please visit Thank you for your support!


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