
869 37 4

Published: 11/17/19

3rd Person's P.O.V

 "Kufufu~ Looks like you picked that cow up without any problems." Mukuro laid on the sofa as Tsunami and the others came in the house, catching their breath.

 "Of course we did, you Pineapple Head!" Hayato immediately shouted back. They all walked to the table and sat down.

 "Oi, oi, don't you think calling me a pineapple head is a bit rude, considering I cut my hair and dyed it?"

 "Oh, my apologies, Apple-san. I suppose it would be disrespectful to call an apple a pineapple," Hayato snickered.

 Takeshi laughed and tried to cover it up by coughing.

 Though unwillingly, many of them had to cut or dye their hair in order to fit in at school. Kyoya had been the one to cut Mukuro's hair and dye it, so it was only natural that in the end, the Pineapple Head had turned into a Apple Head. And the creepiest part during the haircut, was that Kyoya was grinning like crazy while muttering something between the lines of, "goal accomplished," and "die, pineapple."

 "Kufufu~ Take a look at the mirror, Lost Puppy-chan~ You look you're Shamal's clone."

 Hayato glared at Mukuro and was about to say something back, but Lambo interrupted him.

 "BWAHAHAHA, Pine- oops, Apple Head has a point. Dr. Pervert 2.0 has the same exact hair style as Dr. Pervert."

 "It wasn't my choice to dye it!"

 "Maybe not, but couldn't you have chose a different color other than black?" Tsunami asked as she stretched her arms.

 "Try imagining Shamal with blond or brown hair," Reborn suggested from the door.

 "That would look extremely weird," Ryohei commented.

 "Probably not as weird as your hair, Turf Top."

 "Blond hair on me doesn't look that bad," Ryohei crossed his arms in his seat.

 "I think Lambo-kun, Yamamoto-san, and Hibari-san are lucky..." Chrome softly said to herself.

 "Hm? Why do you say that, Crome-chan?" Tsunami tilted her head.

Chrome jumped a little before answering, "A-ah, all I meant was that everyone else had to change their hair in someway, but they didn't have to..." Chrome unconsciously moved her hand to touch her hair.

 Chrome's hairstyle right now, is the same style as she had when she was Nagi, except it's longer now. Her hair color is now black with some of the original purple hair hiding within.

 Mukuro's hair was cut until he looked like an apple. He had wanted to tie his hair in a ponytail, kinda similar to the way it had been back in their original world, but Kyoya forced him to sit as he cut his hair. He even went as far as to tie Mukuro in the chair. So now, Mukuro looks like a rotten apple, with his hair the color of brown/dark brown.

 Hayato, had only dyed his hair black. Anyone who knew Shamal might've mistaken Hayato for him, but their personalities were far from close.

 Ryohei's hair had been dyed blond. This way, if any of his original white hair popped up, nobody would notice and call him old.

 Everyone else, lucky for them, had kept their hair the way it was.


 The door opened and the teacher stepped in. "Everybody in your seats. Now. You don't want to see the chaos that will happen if you don't."

 All the students scrambled to sit down.

 "Tsunami, go around and collect all the assignments that are due today. I'll be taking roll."

 Tsunami stood up to collect all the papers as Reborn called out names. She was about hand the stack of papers to Reborn when she suddenly tripped. As if Reborn had expected that, he caught Tsunami in one arm, and the papers with his other.

 Students began to whisper among themselves.

 "Seriously? There wasn't anything where she could've tripped on."

 "Didn't you know? Last year in middle school, she was like this as well. She would trip out of nowhere, knock stuff over and everything. She's so clumsy."

 "But even so, she earned this title called 'Freezer.' Her glares would freeze anyone in their tracks, and her face wouldn't show much emotion. There's so many things I could tell you about her, I could go on for hours."

 Reborn leaned towards Tsunami, whispering in her ear. "As clumsy as before, Nami-chan. And guessing from what your classmates are saying, you made yourself quite a reputation in middle school. We'll have a talk about this later. You're dismissed."

 Tsunami quickly went back to her seat, her face not betraying the emotions she felt inside.

 "You were right... She really didn't show any feelings. I know if I was in her place, my face would be burning up."

 Tsunami mentally scoffed. 'If you knew how he really is, you wouldn't be saying those stuff right now.'

 "Silence. Go to your next class now. Don't be late to class this afternoon. Sky, Rain, Storm, and Mist, I expect to see you at lunch."

 Students turned looked at Reborn, but he had already disappeared.

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