Things Work Themselves Out

Start from the beginning

"Here you go, ma'am." The woman came back to the desk and handed you a white paper bag.

"Thanks, sweetie!" You smiled and took the bag, handing her a folded twenty. "I'll see you around, alright Arthur?" You smiled at him again, looking so irresistibly adorable.

He was one step ahead of you.

Following you home wasn't the best idea, but he just couldn't help himself. He only stopped when you pulled your keys from your purse and unlocked your front door.

What the fuck was he doing?

The weekend was mostly the same. Following you to work, watching from afar, following you home, repeat. One day on your way home a gust of wind ripped your scarf from your neck, carrying it through the air and far away. You didn't care enough to run after it so you let it go and went on your way.

Arthur cared though, and he chased it down.

It still smelt like you.

He pressed the soft fabric against his face, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply. His free hand stroked himself, gritting his teeth as he imagined all the things you could do with your mouth besides hold a sucker.

It wasn't long before he came, shuddering and sinking even further into the couch, your scarf pressed firmly against his nose.

Your scarf wasn't enough, he needed more. He needed the real thing.

It took him a while but eventually, he found out you'd be going to a costume party in a large house in the nicer part of Gotham, a rich couple celebrating Halloween. He could sneak in, right? It was a costume party, he could cover his face. Maybe...

The day came. He was ready, he'd perfected his look, there was no way you'd recognize him.

He ran a hand through his slicked-back hair, trying to fit in with the small crowd filing into the house. A man at the door was checking a list, reading names and checking them off when they came through.

"What's your name, sir?" The man asked him, barely looking up from his paper.

In the background someone smashed a bottle, the sound of the glass shattering almost deafening. Someone started screaming, and that was his window. Arthur slipped in the door and looked around, momentarily stunned.

It was a gorgeous house, the ceiling miles away, a spiral staircase in the main room, expensive paintings on the walls and painfully decorated chandeliers.

He looked around, taking in everyone's costumes. There was a large man dressed as Alf, another dressed as Jason, a few Barbies and not enough Kens.

Then he spotted you.

You wore a Wonder Woman costume, and god, he felt his knees grow weak when he saw how much skin was showing.

He checked his makeup in a mirror in the main hallway, making sure it was still perfect. He had spent longer than usual, every line carefully drawn on, his hair slicked back in a way so exact it would put a model's routine to shame.

After a few drinks, you made your way to the upstairs bathroom, leaving your group of friends. This was his moment. Arthur set his martini down on the snack table he'd been prowling around and followed you, each step he took sending him further into his spiraling obsession.

The red carpet stretched on forever, the staircase never-ending, but finally, it did. He swallowed back any doubts and waited for you to go into the bathroom.

"What the fuck am I doing?" He whispered to himself, for a moment regretting even coming. What was he planning? What the fuck was he going to do?

If he wanted you, he'd need to act fast.

Arthur Fleck x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now