23:Parents are cunts.

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April 17th,6 months before the interview.

*6 months ahead*
"Was he ever violent toward you?"They ask me.
"No"I lie.
"Are you sure?"The officer asks.
"I'm sure."I lie again.
"Is your relationship with Clayton physical?"They ask.
"In what way."I reply.
"Sexual?Any way really."the girl asks.
"Yeah it has been since 2 weeks after I met him."I say and she raises her eyebrows.
"So you had sex with him often?"They ask.
"Up until last month when I went away."I reply.
"Why did you go away?"She asks me.
"I just needed to get away,he had paparazzi at the door constantly and I couldn't take it so I left."I reply.
"Did you two break up?"She asks.
"No,I just didn't tell him I waited for him to go to work."I reply and they nod.
*PRESENT TIME,April 17th again.*
Aleida was now showing a small amount,not much you'd just think she had a belly.
Clayton was well known now,He spent most of his time at the gym or at fights so it was mainly me and Aleida at home because Hailie went out with friends and Charlie wasn't going to be back for a month as he'd gone back into combat.
"So are you gonna tell your family?"I ask Aleida.
"I don't know how too,I told Marco but my mum I don't know how."She replies.
"Invite her over?Tell her here where she can't bully you."I say.
"I suppose."She says.
"Trust me to get pregnant before I'm 20."She chuckles.
"You're twenty next month if that's any consolation"I say and she chuckles.
"Okay,I'll ring her now,On speaker listen to how she talks to me."Aleida says and I nod.
The phone rings and Gloria answers.
"Oh so you can finally call me now?"She says with a Spanish accent.
"I have something to tell you mama"Aleida replies.
"Hurry!I havent got all day especially when it comes to you."She says and I raise my eyebrow.
"Do you wanna come over tonight for dinner?I really need to tell you in person."Aleida says and Gloria goes quiet.
"Is it that important mijá?"She asks.
"Si"Aleida replies.
"Fine I will be over at 7."She says and ends the call.
"At least she didn't say no,I guess that's a bonus?"I say.
"I suppose,what if she brings my dad though?"Aleida says.
"You'll just have to grit your teeth"I reply.
"You can't just grit your teeth with Antonio Vasquez."Aleida chuckles.
Clayton walked in smelling.
"Shower."I say holding my nose.
"You love it."He says grabbing my waist.
"I also love it when you don't smell like a camels arse."I say and he takes his top off and throws it in the washing machine then showers.
I stood in the bedroom folding all the clothes he'd left everywhere.
He grabbed my waist from behind.
"You're so fucking sexy."He whispered in my ear.
"Aleidas parents are coming over,so she can tell them about the fetus growing in her."I say turning around.
"Romantic."He says rolling his eyes at me.
I kiss him.
He grabbed my sides under my t shirt which was his.
"You have such a sexy body."He says.
I knew there was about 15 minutes until they came.
"They'll be here soon."I say as he was kissing my neck.
"So."He chuckles sending vibrations through me.
"I have to be there for Aleida."I reply.
I hear someone knock on the door and I push him and run for it.
I open it to a tall dark haired guy.
"Who're you?"I question he looks me up and down.
"More like who're you?"He replies licking his lips.
"Clayton."I shout.
He walks out and stops dead locking eyes with this guy.
"What the fuck are you doing here?"Clayton growls at him.
Aleida walks out and sees the tension between them.
"That's no way to talk to your brother."The guy chuckles.
"I swear to God Christian get the fuck out or so help me God."Clayton says.
"No I don't think I will."He says walking in and walking up to Clayton.
They square up to each other and I shove them into our room.
"If you're gonna fight go ahead?Christian I wish you good luck because I've seen him fight,There's more important shit about to go down so keep it quiet and Clean,I like my carpet thanks bye."I say and slam the bedroom door.
Her parents walk in and we greet them.
We eat.
"What was that?"Gloria asks.
"My boyfriend he's trying to build a cabinet."I say quickly,"What were you gonna say?"I continue.
"I was gonna ask what was so important?"Gloria says.
"So,I'm dating Blair's brother."Aleida says.
"Good choice mijá"her dad says.
"Yeah and we've been together for a while now,and I recently discovered that I'm.......pregnant."Aleida says and their faces drop.
"Woah."Antonio says.
"You're 19?What the fuck is wrong with you?"Gloria says.
"Gloria,Chill out be supportive instead of being a hag."Antonio says and we both laugh.
Gloria gets up and storms out.
Aleida looks at antonio.
"Don't worry I'm not her,If you need money or anything really,childcare whatever you ask me and I promise you Mijá I will be here with you all the way."He says grabbing her hand then chases after Gloria.
"He's changed."I say.
"I know its weird."She laughs and Clayton opens the door and boots Christian onto my rug.
"If you get blood on my carpets or rugs I'll bash your heads together myself."I say.

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