new home, new friend

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Hello my name is izuku, I've been in an orphanage since I was four and I'm 9 now so that means somthing, I'm the fastest kid hear so nobody wants to race me and when I grow up I'm gonna be a hero and I'm gonna go by my great grandfathers hero name

The flash or mabey I'll do the green flash since my colour is green and not yellow

Oh I should probably mention that I'm mute, I havent talked for 5 years and I dont plan to from now on, I know sign language, shinso taught me hes like my brother, we came in on the same day, both of his parents died in a car crash a day before mine died in the fire and he spent the night with a police officer  who took him here the next day, hes 3 and a half months older than me and we do everything together, he also translates what I'm saying for people

He want to get into UA hero course aswell but he doesn't care if he gets into class 1a or 1b, as long as we both get in and are in the same class I'm good

About every day people come in and look at all the children most of the time they adopt the smaller ones

Because nobody wants two ten tear olds

Theres a picture on a child every door on some there are two, there are some sets of siblings.

Shinso and I share a room and they call us siblings because we came on the same day and are around each other alot

People dont want to adopt us because of my mutness.

It's my fault shinsos not getting adopted

I let out a silent cry as I sit in the corner of the room I look at shinso hes drawing something from beside me

A picture of him and me

I look at children trying to Impress the couple that just came in then I recognize one of them hes the first one that came when my parents died, he sees me and I think he realized who I was because he grabbed his husband's arm and pointed at me I shuffle towards shinso and hide myself in his back

I feel him look up and I hear two sets of foot steps come closer

"Your izuku, right?" The blonde on askes

"Yes he is izuku, but he hasn't talked since..... the accident so you wont get many answers" shinso says

"We looked through all the papers and it says that your brothers? But have you have different parents, How come there was only one of you at the fire"
The blonde one says

I flinch at the mention of the fire

"Just because we dont have the same parents doesn't mean were not brothers and dont say stuff like that when izuku is here it scares him"

"I'm sorry"
He says

"How do you two communicate?" The one with black hair askes

"Sign language" shinso says

I look up and see them looking at me

The blonde one signs 'hello' I wave at them

The black haired one who is behind the blonde one starts to sign

'Sorry my husband is an idiot' he smiles a little as shinso and I giggle a little

And the blonde one turns around to see his husband looking away with his hands behind his back and I laugh little more at this

"Woah, this is the happiest I've ever seen these two" says one of the younger nice caretakers, Alice

"Oh Alice I told you youd be good with kids and now look at you"the blonde one says smiling

the green flash Where stories live. Discover now