The start of something new

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Hey everyone my name is Rani well Queen Rani now and today I want to share my life story to you all on how I became the Queen of the tree of life and all the events in my life building to this moment so lets begin.

 It all started when I was just a cub.I lived with my Mom,dad, my grandmother Jana, and my older brother Surak,and my younger brother Baliyo. My grandfather already finished his journey through the circle of life.It was a typical hot Savannah day all was nice and peaceful,we lived in a cave with a ever so beautiful water fall. We called it the crystal fall we called it this because the water was so clear like crystal's and it was the best water we have ever tasted.Me and my brothers Surak and Baliyo was born and raised here,it was all you could ask for a place to call home. Until one tragic cold and gloomy night.We was all tucked up and all warm and cuddling together when all of a sudden we heard footsteps and scratching coming from outside the cave.My family was all very much alert, I mean the scratching and the footsteps was enough to make any animal in the Savannah wake up. My Mom told me and Baliyo and Surak  to get behind her but surak refused and was ready to fight my big brother was always a fighter he would always fight for what was right.Me and Baliyo had no clue what was going on I was scared,paranoid my mind was playing tricks on me making me think things,which weren't even there my small tiny heart was racing like a cheetah after its pray.I could barely breath the terror was to much however in that moment I looked over to see Baliyo shaking I could tell he was petrified but I tried to calm him down but I couldn't I gave up to soon. I had to much on my mind not knowing  what the outcome could be,it was a life or death situation.I heard my grandmother telling me and Baliyo "everything will be alright just stay calm nothing can touch us we are to strong together its probably just Rhinos fighting that's all" however she couldn't be anymore wrong we was not safe the worst was yet to happen. It all went silent in fact that quite you could hear the grasshoppers in the grass we all thought everything was ok and that we was safe.However when my dad went to check if it was clear he was brutally murdered in cold blood by another aggressive and hungry lion,my older brother Surak rushed to help him but it was to late the damage was done he died on that very night from the claw wounds which pierced his skin. Me my mother Surak and Baliyo and our grandmother was the last ones left we were the final survivors well that's what we thought.We sprinted for the closest exit which was through the water fall we knew our home was taken forcefully by those wretched lions . while running I looked behind me and crystal falls was getting swarmed with many other lions,there was male lions and lionesses we was chased by the lion who had killed my dad his jaws snapping like a crocodile and teeth as sharp as a Rhinos tusk.However I was not going to stop I knew I was not gonna die here my journey had just begun and I knew I was not going to let anymore of my family be brutally murdered so I thought . We manged to get to the water fall we stopped and looked behind and the lion who was chasing us had vanished into the dust,we stopped to breath and have a brake when out of no where  my mother was attacked I watched the blood pour from her her flesh ripping by inch I heard the cries and pain she was going through she told me and my grandmother and my brothers to go,I refused and bit the lion but it was not enough and he clawed deeply into my leg the pain was immense I was bleeding heavily but I was more hurt by the emotions I was feeling I watched my two parents die in horrible ways I wanted to stay and die with them but my older brother Surak held me by his teeth and dragged me into the waterfall.He had to carry me through it I was shocked and traumatised I couldn't move.Eventually we got out he picked me up with his teeth again and took me to a safe place with my grandmother and other brother Baliyo we was wet,hungry,thirsty,and tired we was good as dead. I cried all that night knowing  I lost my Mom and dad the two people who mainly raised me and my sibling's  and to watch them get taken away just like that knowing I couldn't do anything about it I still have nightmares of that day I see them all the time in my dreams but its always the same dream its always about that night every night. The next day me and my grandmother and my two brothers  was on a journey  to find a new place secure and safe and a place to call home again.It took a tremendous amount of time however we stumbled across  a rock pass and proceeded to enter.On the other side it was the best sight I had ever seen in my life a place I could call home,it was the best looking tree I had ever seen it glistened in the light as if it was welcoming us. 

The start of something newHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin