About the reader

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Your quirk is wings, you have wings that are super over powered. For example your wings can produce Electricity,fire,ice and really big rounds of shields - these can be used for protection but they can also be used to hurt your victims
You are quite and subordinate you do as you are told as long the person asking you to do something for them is on your good side, you tend to allow others to take the lead, (even though you would make an amazing leader yourself) you have a lot of talent but you are too afraid to use it
You are the Daughter of a powerful man who has given you to a quirk marriage, you accepted not knowing that this person that acts kind towards you is going to end up hurting you the most, your parents wanted the best for you but they also didn't know what's behind a sickly sweet smile
Your parents are villains and the person your marrying to is also a villain, your parents worried that you wouldn't last in this world long because of your kindness and your caring persona so they kept you protected away from any potential danger- they taught you everything you needed you were smarter than all of UA classes and more powerful than all of 1-A combined even Todoroki

I hope this gives you at least some idea of what you are going to be like in this story..
You can look like whatever you please, I hope you enjoyed!~ ❤️

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