The next morning, the fellowship gathers together and leaves Helm's Deep for Isengard. Merry and Pippin are supposed to still be staying there with the Ents. From the information that Gandalf gave us, we think that Saruman may have been defeated on that front too. Harry and I still haven't said much since the previous night. We woke wrapped in each other's arms, and since there was no time for anything other than action. I'm unsure of what to say at this point, but all I want is to have time alone — to say something. We don't stray far from one another's side, though, and this brings me some comfort, we are both too afraid to be separated again — that much is clear.

We find Merry and Pippin easily enough; they are out in the open with one of the Ents, laughing and singing. We cannot hear about what, but I do notice a wealth of food and pipes in hand.

Gimli huffed, arms crossed and a frown across his face. "You young rascals! A merry hunt you've led us on, and now we find you feasting and... and smoking!"

I swallow down a laugh, Harry also trying not to smile – though I can still see the faintest twitch of his lips. Merry grins and Pippin laughs a bit more at Gimli's reaction.

"We're terribly sorry, you're welcome to join us!" Gimli is about to respond when the Ent interrupts, looking at Gandalf as he speaks.

"The wizard is locked inside the tower. What will you have us do with him?"

"He should remain, under your watchful gaze, Treebeard," Gandalf says calmly, eyes resting upon the lone tower still standing.

"Very well," Treebeard responds, turning towards Harry.

"Hello, child of magic and death, welcome to Isengard."

Harry nods in acceptance, everyone else frowns at the greeting.

"Harry is not—!" Merry starts to say but is stopped by Aragorn.

"Thank you for taking care of Merry and Pippin." Aragorn is quiet as he speaks, his head tilting forward slightly. Treebeard simply nods in response.

It is only then that I realize that Pippin has disappeared. Soon he walks up to us again, but now he is holding a strange-looking, obsidian, glowing sphere in his hands. The orb is large and heavy, looking more so in his small hands as he looks into it with a look of awe and confusion. Harry is suddenly tense beside me, and his eyes are glued to the glowing sphere. I saw as his gaze fixed on it almost as intently as Pippin's — if not more so. A moment later, Gandalf snatches it away and wraps his robe around it, taking it out of sight. It makes me wary of what it could be – a Palantir, maybe? Harry is still tense like the orb still has his undivided attention and focus. I take his hand in my own without hesitation and gently squeeze it in reassurance. Thankfully, it seems to help as he relaxes once more and squeezes back, letting go a moment later.

I'm left thinking about how his skin felt; how his hand fits so well into my own, his fingers interlaced with my own as though puzzle pieces made to be placed together. I swallow hard, pushing the thoughts back temporarily. I cannot seem to help that my mind is completely focused on him and not the many and varied tasks at hand.

We once again set off, it's almost as if Gandalf is in a hurry to move on from this place, or maybe from what took place; his demeanor has changed since the orb, and I cannot shake that it is important. This time, we head back towards Edoras, where we will stay in Meduseld with Theoden once more.

Along the path, Harry stops suddenly, and I look over at what's caught his attention. I see a large snake curled into a ball at the base of a tree, it fills me with panic, as snakes are not really considered to be friendly creatures. I want to warn Harry against getting closer, I notice the colouring, and I know this variety to be venomous. Something in me makes me pause and watch instead.

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