Did you know what i was this whole time?

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[Officially Back sorry for not updating sooner but i will update this every Saturday Or Fridays from now on!^^][Adding a extra chapter this weekend seeing how its Wednesday]

Deku pov

The male smiled as he looks at shinsou. he thought the male was deeply attractive for a vampire he thought he never met one with purple hair or have the certain smell he had in his nose. "Ill follow you i guess" he said as he wanted to know the Vampires intentions was and what would honestly happen and he knew the male wasnt truely flirting with him so he acted as if he was blushing to make the vampire satisfied as he then finished his drink and payed for it.

Shinsou Pov

The purple haired vampire stood from his seat, waiting for his partner to join him. He liked a good fuck as much as any man, but truthfully... it had grown boring. Once he got tired of women he moved onto men. They were a good challenge, considering they were harder to please, but inevitably they lost their appeal as well. He tried it all, bdsm, both as master and slave, but nothing seemed good enough to fill his eternal boredom. Of course... every person he slept with ended up dead by the next morning, so maybe that was why. But something this time was different.. the stranger didn’t seem... ordinary.


“Room for two.” The vampire said, dropping a few coins onto the inn’s desk. The clerk nodded and left them for a moment. Shinsou turned to the still nameless stranger and smiled. “You don’t seem like the type to do this often. Have you ever done this?”

Deku Pov

"Personally no-" he said honestly as he looked at the purple haired male with innocent eyes."i personally have my reasons why and you'll understand soon ethier way"he said.

He wasnt a human and plus ethier way he will show his ears or tails once they are in the room so the vampire knew what he was dealing with or it would scare off the vampire we wil see what happens. The male stretched as he gave out a small groan,"What about you do you do this often?" He questions the purpled haired male with his green eyes

"Also whats your name? Mines is izuku midoryia"

Shinsou Pov

Shinsou took the key the clerk offered and headed towards their room, shrugging. “You could say that. I suppose I just like company... I don’t really mind if it’s from a man or a woman.” He stopped I in front of their door and slid the key into the lock, glancing back over his shoulder. “Though... I have to admit it’s more fun seeing a man’s face when he realizes he likes getting it in the back~” the vampire opened the door and suddenly grabbed the other’s wrist, pulling him in and shutting the door behind them. Shinsou took the young man’s  other hand and pulled him close, let go and moved both of them to the sides of his innocent looking freckled face, their noses just inches apart. “Midoria... interesting. I haven’t heard that one before. You can just call me Shinsou.”

Deku Pov

"Shinsou the vampire huh i like that its unique-"he said with a small blush and smirk wondering what the other would do revealing what he was. As he mubbled lowly but shin could hear him "dont worry i am not a vampire Hunter or anything-". The male reassured the male before him as he was just waiting for a response

Shinsou pov

The violet haired man’s expression drastically changed as soon as the word ‘vampire’ left Midoria’s mouth. His eyes gave away a spark of fear, but his expression became one of confusion and doubt when the green haired man reassured that he wasn’t any kind of hunter. “So... you know what I brought you here for then.” Shinsou took a step closer so his chest just brushed up against the shorter man’s jacket and looked down into his eyes. “The question is what are you going to do about it?” If the vampire was still afraid, he wasn’t showing it anymore.

Shall be continued!!(I wonder what will happen- what do you guys think?)

(Updates every Saturday!or Friday^w^)

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