Chapter 2

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No ones POV:

As Kaminari finally finished ,fixing' the lights, he peacefully walked to his room. As he was walking he thought to himself.

Why were all of them so stupid? Why all of them had to belive in this world where everythings supposed to be perfect? They seriously thought that becoming a hero is so amazing and interesanting. Why cant they see the reality? Being a hero isnt just fighting villians. They had to do milions of patrols and had to do a lot of paperwork. All of themhave this stupid dream that they will be best out of best. They wont. Probably none of them. Most of them will not even be in top ten. Some of them will get on top, but most of them not. And those on top will be the first to understand that heros arent only what they show to the public.

As he reached his room, he opened the door and run to his bed. He hated partys. There was nothing going on that turned the fun in him. He kinda always knew that there was something wrong with him. He was always smarter then anybody his age. He hid that even better. He knew that if he showed his true-self, society would treat him diffrently. He just wanted to try to be normal. But it strated getting exausting. Nobody knew about real him. Not a single soul knew exept for him. He never liked it. Just knowing that you have to hide yourself from others is enough. Things at home werent nothing better either. His parents were always arguing. The only person that he could trust enough was his older brother. Denki was seven years old at this point. Such a mature mind for such a small kid wasnt a good thing. His only escape was his older brother. He would always talk with Denki. He protected him from older kids that didnt, well said, liked Denki. Even if his brothers quirk was much weaker than his, Denki still let his brother protect him. Why? Because he finally felt loved as a seven years old kid should. One day, his brother went out to buy Denki a toy that he wanted for such a long time. Both of them were collecting money since their parents didnt have any. They were collecting it for almost a year. Finally, they got enough and it was on sale, so they celebrated knowing that they will have some money to speare. Denki was sitting on this bench in park close to their house. Their parents didnt care so they didnt ask. Only thing they cared about was money. They had to buy it secretly and even open it on place that wasnt their house. As soon as their parents would notice more money or new clothes, they would question them and take their money away saying that they as parents needed it more then kids. That was the only thing that both of them would agree on. The thing was, Denkis brother, Fuji, actually worked for the family. He was the only one that was bringing money. He was 14 back then.
As Denki was waiting for Fuji, he suddenly heard screams. One man was running to Denki.
,,Kid what are you doing here? Didnt you hear? There was an attack. You should go as far away from here, at least for now. ''
Denki could think think of only one thing. Fuji. He suddenly started running to the sound of screaming. The man strted running to him, but Denki was faster and mans voice started fading away. Denki was running with his full energy on.

He had to be okay? Right?

Thats what Denki thought before coming to the crime scene. As a lot of people were surronding this area, Denki had to push people to actually get to see what happened.

He was standing in a front line before police officers and some pro heros. Looks like something happened in a little alley. He wanted to look closer, but a lot of police officers were in front. He couldnt see if anyone was involved in this. Any civil. Anyone who he might knows. As he thought that there was no one hurt, he heard the ambulance coming.

Sorry for not posting in long, I just had a lot things for school and that yk. Ly :)

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