He sighed heavily again. "Yes, I do."

"Then what the hell? You guys are friends."

"He's not right for you." He looked into my eyes.

"And you are?!" I asked, appalled. "Is that your famous line for your precious virgins?" I knew that was a low blow but I was insulted. Was I not worthy of someone like Derek?

I didn't bother to wait for a reply, I opened the door and went straight into the house. Seconds later I heard him speed off down the road.

What have I gotten myself into?


Early Saturday morning I was out at the mall with Patricia searching for a prom dress. I wanted something elegant and fancy that would differentiate me from the others. More importantly I wanted to look older for Derek; he said he would try and make it so I had to look sexy and classy at the same time.

"Okay, what are you looking for?"

"Something sexy and classy." I repeated from my mind.

"Well that narrows it down." Patricia muttered.

"Listen, I'm coming because you guys asked me to. If that means searching every store in the mall for this dress then so be it."

"Okay, okay." She raised her hands in surrender. "No need to go Prima Donna on me."

I rolled my eyes and we continued with the search. This was better than staying home today... alone. Kevin came home late a few nights in a row now and leaves at the crack of dawn. I don't even see him at school anymore.

My mom isn't much better. I don't see her at all. It seems she has the same routine as Kevin because the only thing I would see when I woke was money on my night table. I had no problem with it though, the less of them I see, the better.

"Pink?" Patricia asked me while pointing to a short baby pink cocktail dress.

"Does that look classy to you? Plus it's pink..." I trailed off and she sighed.

We left that store and went into one right next to it. My eyes scanned the room and instantly I fell in love. It was the perfect shape, perfect color and it was definitely classy and sexy wrapped in one.

"Pat, I found the one." I said as I gripped her arm.

A smile spread across her lips. "That's so you."

It wasn't for me, that was certain; it was for Derek.


Later that night I cooked Spaghetti for dinner and settled in front of the TV. My favourite program, Sex and the City, was having a rerun and I clapped my hands in joy. I loved this show; it had everything about love you could think of and the four typical types of women.

You had Miranda who was the working, cynical one. Samantha who was the confident, independent type. Charlotte who was the 'ready for love' type and finally Carrie, the one who was optimistic about it all. I loved these ladies but secretly I wanted to be like Carrie; no matter what, she found the good thing about any situation.

Eventually my eyes felt heavy and I switched the TV off. I laid there in the couch and decided to nap.

A loud noise woke me up and I instantly had a headache. "What time is it?" I groaned as I went towards the noise, thinking it was my mother who finally decided to come home.

I froze in my spot when I saw my brother sitting by the steps, head in hands. Beside him was the broken picture of our family that hung on the wall. Blood trickled down his right hand and I ran for the kitchen to get a towel. I opened the freezer and dumped most of the ice in the towel and went back to Kevin. I knelt down in front of him and touched his arm.

"Let me help." I softly said and he didn't protest. I took his hand into mine and placed to cold towel full of ice on his wounded knuckles.

A scoff came from him and he raised his head. It was then I saw the huge bruise around his left eye and the busted lip he was sporting.

"What the hell happened?" I shouted.

"Quiet!" He yelled. "I have a headache."

"Kev, talk to me. Who did this?" I tried to see his eyes.

"I did. That's what this family is doing to me."

"You know that's not true. Mom might not be here right now but I-"

He scoffed again. "Mom is never here. So don't keep your hopes up."

"Of course she's here. She leaves early in the mornings."

"How do you know that?"

"She leaves money for us. Don't you see it on your night table too?" I looked at him.

"Yeah, I do." He replied with a tight smile.

"Go in the kitchen and I'll fetch the first aid kit." I said to him as I placed the ice pack on his black eye. "Keep this on." I instructed.

"I'm fine." He stood and detached himself from me. "I don't need help." He went up the stair case and slammed his room door shut.

My family is literally falling apart.

Thank you so much for reading! Remember to vote and comment! Xoxo

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