Daddy's Little Girl

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Everytime my heart breaks over some silly little fight,
My wonderful father's always there to make me delight.
He asks,'hey what's wrong?'
Then makes the whole thing long.
Ends it up with how to make everything alright,
And never forgets to ask,
"Wanna go out for a ride out tonight?"
'Just you and me',says he.
He lets out his right hand,I grab it as I stand.
He wipes my tear,
tries to make me cheer.
Times when he sees,
I cry sitting on my knees.
He grab his keys
and take me for a ride out,
and I just can't shout and shout it out loud.
"Oh daddy,you are the most sweetie!"
When maths gets boring,
He comes along and makes it most exciting.
Whenever I make up a lie,he confusedly ask,'hey,that's not true.'
And laughs so loud and says,'this isn't good for you.'
In his car🚘,he keep joking at me all the way.
Even if I try not to smile a bit,
he makes me laugh anyway...
He turns on my favorite music,
Together we sing along the song's lyrics.
I can only say to myself:
'he's the most loveliest dad'
'A girl can ever even hope to have'

-year 2012

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