Pig House

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Sister Livvy Nomed is not a nice person. She looks nice. She sounds nice, but she is not. She is evil. She is a demon, wicked and horrible.

She has us all kept in the basement. When she is angry she grabs us and drags us out to the field.

I think we had 37 children living here. Now she took the Foram brothers to feed the pigs.

And now we only 35 living.

Being the oldest of the Faith Hope Orphanage has been a curse, but for some reason, Sister Livvy has favored me.

She often tells I will be the one to succeed her. She wishes I would be her sister.

I wash her clothes and I see the blood.

I could never be like her.

I would rather be eaten.


Sister Livvy has bought a new farm. She has brought us here to a more.. secluded area.

But I know the truth. I know that neighbors watched as she took children to the pig house. They would come to have dinner with us see and that the pigs were so plump. But we had nothing, no food to spare the animals. So how were the pigs so well fed?

I think they suspected cruelty and that was why local authorities came and knocked on the door.

To say the least, Dear old Sister Livvy packed our meager belongings and lead us to the long abandoned Seven Hope Farm.

It was scary. It felt like hell. There were no neighbors to hear us scream. No place to run or hide. Everything was covered in black gunk and smelled of rotting bodies.

But Sister Livvy sure as hell loved it.


The first few weeks, Sister Livvy locked us in the cellar.

She gave us no food and water. In the night we could hear laughter and footsteps.

But still, we made no noise. Not a peep.

Little Jimmy Angelo died first. His tummy sunk into his tiny body and he stopped breathing somewhere in the night.

Sister Livvy came the next morning, as if sensing his death and dragged his broken form up the stairs.

The pig house wasn't far away from the cellar.

I could still hear them crunching.


4 months have passed since we came, and only 13 of us remain.

For now she has not locked us in the cellar. We spend our days sitting on the kitchen floor, holding onto one another for life.

I think she has moved us upstairs because she is scared.

Recently, children laughter and footsteps could be heard in the night. But it isn't us.

We don't laugh or play.


Sister Livvy runs into the kitchen screaming and holding her head. She's clutching a knife in her hand.

She runs at us yelling, "shut up! Shut up!"

Suddenly, her feet are out from under her. She's screaming and kicking.

We hear a child cheer, "Haha! We got you!"

In the moonlight, we watch as children laugh and feed the pigs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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