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~Hosuhs POV~

I woke up an hour after I fell asleep due to sunlight hitting my eyes. I had fallen asleep late the night prior due to 'overworking' myself with drawing. I checked my phone and saw I had texts from Ella and Dan saying stuff along the lines of 'good morning!' and I responded back to the both of them with mirroring words.

Walking out of my room, I greet my already awake roommates. They greet me back and I go to get breakfast. Popping two frozen waffles in the toaster, I put on some music. I just clicked on the first song that I saw, which just so happened to be a song Ella had recommended to me last night. I have to say, it wasn't bad. The toaster popped and I buttered the waffles, eating them with my hands instead of silverware. I walk back to my room and closed my door just as the song ended. I sat on my bed and watched some fan-made videos, admiring all of their hard work. It was honestly a little hard to believe that all of these amazing videos were made by fans of ours. I left comments on all of them saying how much I liked them before deciding it was time to take a shower and get dressed.

~Timeskip to after his shower sponsored by Hubba Bubba bubble gum~

I got dressed in a comfy black hoodie and dark grey sweatpants. I brushed out my hair and blow dried it, then put it in its all-too-famous ponytail. I checked my phone again and saw a message from Ella.


Egg: yo, dude. I'm bored asf.

Me: okay.. and what exactly do you want me to do about that?

Egg: hang out with me you anti-social moron.

Me: oh.. Okay? What did you wanna do?

Egg: I was thinking we could invite the gang to the mall. I heard the place where we get our hoodies has a sale uwu

Me: oh, okay. When? I'll ask Dan and Stephen if they can go, you get Jay ;3

Egg: you idiot >///< but yes I will cuz you got Stephen òwó

Egg: does 10 sound good?

Me: yeah sure, I'll ask them if they can come.

Egg: sounds good uwu

Me: heccin furry lol


Me: hey, dan! Ella invited the gang to the mall. Did you wanna come? She said 10 worked well for her.

Life source: yeah! I'm down!

Me: okay! See you there!

Life source: (420 words) see ya!


Me: hey stephen! Ella invited us to the mall at 10. Wanna go?

PewPew: sure. Why not.

Me: okay, I'll tell her were all going. See you there!


Alright! Cool! We're all going to the mall together. And if what Ella said was true, I can get a new hoodie today!

~Timeskip to 9:50 sponsored by the holy grail of Lquiorra~

I went to the entryway and popped on a pair of black sneakers before stepping outside and sitting on the porch to wait for Ella to pick me up. It's kind of an unspoken rule between us all that we carpool everywhere. I saw her small car pull up and I ran up to it, sitting in the backseat next to the right window. We then drove off to collect Stephen in all his purple glory.

560 words without the 420 callout. I hope you enjoy, and I would really like to thank Lquiorra for encouraging me to write this! I've been wanting to write a book like this for a while, and I just now got around to it. I probably won't have a proper schedule and this may end up like my miraculous book, but please oh please be patient. These updates aren't easy to make and I do try really hard.

I hope you enjoyed!

Stephen x Hosuh (DanPlan) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now