Spade McCallaster

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Full Name: Spade McCallaster

Nickname: Ace, Bullseye

Preferred Name: Ace

Birthday: April 4th

Age: 18

Face claim:

Hair Colour: Black

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Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Red

Height: 6'9" ((Hehe heh 69))

Weight: 180 lbs

Scars: All over his chest, legs arms, and back, one prominant one across his cheek.

Tattoos: He hides one on his calf of a devil with angel wings

Character Traits: Initially, Ace comes off as cold and callous, mainly because most people only want him for his talken in shooting. Once he places his trust in someone, Ace is constantly searching for their approval, always trying to make other people happy and proud of him. He is extremely insecure but knows how to hide it, he is constantly afraid if missing out on things and other's opinions on him.

Likes: Archery, Guns, Weapons in general, Making people happy, Having someone to trust, Being happy

Dislikes: People who want to use him, Feelings, Being decieved, Disappointment, Chili

Hobbies: None really, he devotes all his time to training and weapons

Weapon of choice: Guns, or a bow and arrows.

Strengths: He is an incredibly accurate marksman and can hit the bullseye of any target, no matter how difficult the shot.

Weaknesses: Trust issues, Once he trusts somebody, he relies on them fully and is sometimes let down by the other person.

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