Two. Boyfriend

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Sitting in her biology class, Gwen was in and out of learning the subject.

She knew a great deal already so the parts she knew, she was getting bored. But still, her observancy of things were on a high filter.

A small tapping hit the glass window, causing the teacher to turn around.

Gwen then looked out the window after her teacher dusted it off and she saw Derek rising up and gesturing.

Her eyes widened and she kind of shook her head.

He was reluctant and he continued to gesture, a small smile to his lips.

She let her head drop into her hand, shaking it with a smile.

"Miss Jones," the teacher stated, causing her head to shoot up.

"Yes?" she asked.

"What is the DNA code? Do you know?" he questioned, wanting to know what she knew thus far.

"ACGT," she assured. "Adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine."

"Correct," he smiled. "Alright..." he continued and turned away to continue teaching.

All of the sudden a girl behind her tapped her shoulder.

She looked back immediately, "Yeah?"

"Is that guy out there your boyfriend?" the girl asked.

"Yeah," she said kind of shyly. "He probably wants to check on me," she smiled.

"He looks like he wants you out there," she rose a brow.

"Yeah..." she sighed, looking back out the window to see him hidden once again. "This is my first day and I dunno if I should ditch for him," she whispered.

"Do you normally?" she creased her brow.

"Usually just to spite my mother," she shrugged. "Sometimes I ditch to work... Sometimes for fun," she added. "He's fun," she rose a brow, smirking to herself.

"Doesn't he have school?" she then asked, highly intrigued by the new girl.

What grabbed the girl was her clothing because she wore; leather bootcut pants, boots, an ACDC tee shirt and a denim jacket. She had wavy brown hair which was highlighted with small strands of blonde and darker, more thick strands of brunette. It was near to her hips and just gorgeous.

"Actually, he dropped out so that he could work for his dad and help him take care of everything. His mom died when he was little," she whispered.

"Ladies, up here," the teacher stopped them from talking.

Gwen gave a content curl to her lips, obeying since she was in front of all places. Turning back, "What's your name?" she whispered, not turning fully.

"Donna," she assured.

"Nice, like from Twin Peaks," she grinned.

"You watch that?" she smirked. "I can't get into it---it's so trippy."

"That's why I love it," she winked.

"Well, Gwen---if you'd like, I could always cover for you?"

"No," she shook her head. "I won't let you cover for me. I have my own covers and my own people. Don't worry about it, okay?" she asked nicely.

"If you're sure," Donna added with a sympathy filled smile.

"I'm positive, hon---thank you," she assured, turning fully forward---crossing one leg over the other.

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