Chapter 1

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16 years later....

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Riiiing! Riiing!

I blink up blearily at my dark ceiling. My eyes can barely stay open. Wait, why am I even up in the first place...?

Riiiing! Riiiing!

Argh what time is it... 2:30 A.M.?! Who would even...wait it's Peridot and Lapis. Why are they calling so early? Oh no what if it's an emergency! I better answer quick.

"...hello...?" I answered the phone, totally not sounding like a zombie running on nothing but 5-hour energy and black coffee. Nope, I'll save that for when I go to college, thank you very much. Wait what was I doing again? Ohhhh right the call.

"- and obviously Percy and Pierre are the best possible pairing that can result from this but someone seems to disagree," Peridot proudly declared, while giving Lapis the biggest death glare the galaxy, no scratch that, the universe had ever seen.

"Hey, those two have what's possibly the worst chemistry ever. They're better off not knowing each other at all," countered Lapis. "I can't see why in the world you would ever ship those two."

Oh my stars, they better not have woken me up for this shit again.

"(Y/N)! You must side with me on this argument!" Peridot just about shouted into that poor tablet of hers. "Obviously an equally highly-intellectual being like you would agree with me, right?"

"No, they won't agree with you, Peridot," interjected Lapis. "Like you said, they're smart. Smart people don't ship Percy with Pierre." She finished that statement, wait no, finished roasting Peridot with the most smug grin on her face.

"Why you- (Y/N)! Help me at once!"

Oh my stars, they've gone and done it again.

With the best "done with everything in the world face", I blankly stared at the two gems, who were expecting a response from me, and hung up the phone. It was way too early for this. I put my phone away, snuggled into my covers, and waited until my consciousness gave way to the world of dreams.


"GUESS WHO'S BEEN ARRESTED BY THE DUMB POLICE!!!" was the only warning I received before my face was blasted with water.

I launched up from my now soggy bed and took in my surroundings. As soon as I realized what was happening, my face went back into its "done with everything" look.

"Good morning to you as well, Amethyst," I deadpanned.

"Oh I get it, you're 16 now and as soon as you turn 16, you turn into a boring almost wanna-be adult, right?"

Amethyst was trying to get me to do something really childish and I knew it. I wouldn't take that insult though.

"Whoever runs to the lighthouse the fastest, gets to order everything from the Big Donut!" I yelled.

"Oh you're on!"

She accepted. Good.

I began the countdown. "On one, two, and-" right before I said three I used my powers to temporarily turned Amethyst into a golden statue. That should give me enough time to get to the lighthouse. On that note, I sprinted to my goal.

I was exhausted by the time I reached it, but it was worth it to see the look on Amethyst's face as she climbed up the hill.

"Hey!" she objected. "No fair!"

"I never specified any conditions, so technically it is," I informed with the most pompous look I could manage.

We walked to the Big Donut, where I ordered everything on the menu. Unfortunately, here came the worst part.

"That'd be $200, (Y/N)," drawled Lars from his spot near the wall.

"Okay, pay up Amethyst," I proudly proclaimed.

"Nope. That's on you, dude."

"What do you mean? I won the bet so you need to pay."

"I don't know, man. Technically, you never specified any conditions...," replied Amethyst with the worst look on her face. It looked kinda like that face the Grinch made in that Christmas movie.

"Well, fffffu-"

I was cut off with the sound of rumbling, and soon after, a shadow passed over the sky. What was going on?

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