The Final Battle

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( Daniel's POV )

Once Leayah had finished and fallen asleep. I placed her on the couch. I lay down along with her. Ever since her first heat, we became more connected. Whatever pain, emotion, physical damage is done to her, I feel it too.

I sigh. I get up.

" Daniel..." My mom said as she came over to me. She walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.

" Myta, can you bring me a first aid kit," Jonah's mom asked.

" Why?" She asked as she brings it over.

" Cause we have to heal Leayah and everyone else."

We were all getting heal, and sitting down when I heard and felt Leayah waking up. I walked over to her and brought her into the family circle. I placed her into my lap. She leaned up against me.

" How are you feeling ?" I asked.

She nods her head. She looks around...then down. Then her face scrunches up.

I connect into her mind only to find it blank.  Something isn't right. But before I could ask her what was wrong, one thought came across her mind.

I'm a monster

I hugged her while she leaned into my touch.

" Daniel what's wrong," Corbyn asked.

I shared the thought with him and everyone except our young siblings. 

" There is no changing her mind. " Zach says.

" She's been human all her life. She's been abused all her life. She's been hurt all her life. This is strange and weird to her. She just learned the gist of her powers, and she's in a full-fledged war? Then she killed at least over 45 people, only to kill the one friend that ever gave her hope. She has every right to think that." I say.

My brain started to clear an image. I felt myself be sucked into the image. I saw a battle. Not just any battle. The Final Battle. As I watch I notice something is off.

I then felt pain. I look closely.  She was using her full power on the wrong person. It was me but on the front, I looked like James. I fall to the ground. I run over to see what happened. I notice I wasn't dead, just terribly hurt. She looked hurt.  I yelled something at her but the image started fading. It wasn't getting clear. I was then pulled into the reality that I'm in now. I looked at her. 

" Daniel...what happened?" Jack asked.

" I saw something. It was about Leayah and me but..." I say softly.

" In the final fight, James somehow made me look like him. So Leayah could kill me. But she doesn't know. So I take her full extent power. She then tries to heal me, but as soon as she's over me, James tries to kill her, but I don't know what happens. Then it's all over" I say with tears falling down. I look down at her peaceful state.

" So...what are we going to do," Ava asked.

" Guys, what Daniel said wasn't a choice, it was fate. There is nothing to do to change it. So the only thing we can do it spend as much time with Daniel and Leayah as we can until the time comes." My mom says.

(  Leayah's P.O.V )

For the past month everything, was going well. Me and Daniel have been going on dates. He even gave me a ring promising we would get married at some point. We made our relationship public to the limelights. They seem to except it. There is, of course, the haters. After a couple of attempts of telling them to stop, we just let it go.

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