The Screams Sing

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Usually, Paxton would find blood and gore covering his feet delicious. But when he could feel the slimy parts of the dead humans between his toes, well. The situation just wasn’t appealing. Paxton shoved the hallway doors open. The door got stuck on something and jammed, not budging an inch. He sighed and looked inside the doorway. There was a hacked off arm in the way. “Of course” Paxton muttered. The arm was mangled and twisted almost beyond recognition and yet again Paxton’s stomach turned slightly. It was a truly bad day when even human didn’t make him happy. He pushed his body through the narrow opening, his jacket catching in the door. It was a good thing he was so slim. Point man wouldn’t have fit through there. Paxton sniggered at the thought of his brother trying to fit his brawn through the slim opening, eyes bulging slightly, silently cursing all doors. Paxton kicked the arm away from his feet and started down the concrete steps. The steps seem to end a few floors down, the steps completely blanketed in heavy shadow.

Paxton hoped he wasn’t going to end up on the complete opposite side of the facility to his Brother. He didn’t actually know where he was going. When he was with Brother, there always curiously seemed to be one path to take, suspiciously leading to exactly where they wanted to go. By himself though, all ways were open. He had to trust that the weak link in his head was leading him in the correct direction. It was barely there. This must what it must be like for Point Man, he thought bitterly, how pathetic. His footsteps echoed in the stairwell, the only noise in the dark space. His steps slowed. Silence usually meant something was about to happen. The silence seemed to be waiting, like it was holding its’ breath. Unconsciously, he did too. For a few tense seconds, he stood unmoving on the steps, a hand clutching the railing and the other raised in front of him. He could barely see it in the darkness.

The silence exploded. The tearing of metal screamed in the air, harsh in his ears. Something breathed on his neck with hot breath and he started scrambling down the steps before realizing what he was doing. He ran his hand down the railing as he tripped and fell down the steps, not being able to see more than two feet ahead of him. The sharp edges of the rail were cutting his hand but he didn’t lift it away; it was the only thing keeping him up. He could still feel the breath on his neck despite his fleeing. The shrill and unforgiving noise of the tearing metal echoed all around, growing louder as he made his way down one flight, two flights of stairs. He reached a doorway, the only thing lighted in the stairway. He rammed into it, hoping that it was unlocked. The doors crashed open easily, leaving him to collapse to the concrete. He didn’t turn around to see whatever it was that was chasing him, just pushed himself off the ground and forward with a low roar. He would not die by some petty ghost. Before he got even two meters away, he crashed into something solid, and warm. He would have fallen over if he hadn’t grabbed onto it. It grabbed his arms as they tried to shove it away. Paxton curled his hands into claws and bared his teeth. He righted himself, getting his feet underneath him and stood to his full height, his arms still trapped. He bent his knees and lunged for its’ throat, aiming for the kill and it didn’t matter if it was human or not, he was going to tear its’ throat out-

A gun slammed into his jaw, knocking him to the ground yet again. His head knocked into the ground with a smack and his brain turned to mush. His vision went blurry. Paxton groaned in pain and clutched around him, desperately trying to find the ground. He lay on the ground for a few moments, letting his vision and brain clear before pushing himself up so that he was sitting up. He blinked a few times at the man he’d crashed into. His eyes finally focused on him, his features becoming clear to Paxton.

“Brother. How nice to see you again”

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