chapter 1 - transfer student

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y/n has always topped the school in every exam and has represented her school in many competitions. life has always been smooth for her with little or none ups and downs. she has the perfect face and body too, making boys swoon over her and girls green with envy. luckily, she has the best friends and she could ever wish for and an ever supporting family. but would everything change with just a transfer student.

y/n's pov

it was still quite early when i reached the classroom, there was only a few people there. i sat down at my seat at the back of the classroom and pulled out my chemistry notes and started preparing for the upcoming exam next week. slowly, students filled the class and it was bustling with activity. my two best friends, jieqiong and cheng xiao, came by my table and jieqiong said excitedly, "y/n, y/n, did you know that there is a transfer student coming to our class?!" without raising my head, i shook my head and said, "i am not interested." "aww come on, you don't want to know who he is?" cheng xiao shook my shoulders back and forth. i shook my head again, eyes still focused on my notes. "nevermind, we'll still tell you, it's cai xukun, son of the ceo of the largest company here!" jieqiong squealed. "okay," i nodded, "i've never heard of him before," "you've never heard of him before? how's that possible? he is the most handsome man you can ever wish for and i heard he is really smart too!" cheng xiao said with a face of admiration. "he's smart?", the word "smart" made me put down my notes and catch on with the conversation. "yes, he's really smart, he has always been home-schooled and has participated in international competitions where he has won multiple awards," continued cheng xiao. "i heard he has placed first in the international math...emat...ics olympic co...n-" jieqiong started. "the international mathematics olympiad competition?!" my ears immediately perked up at the phrase and i shouted. "yeah, yeah, that's the one," cheng xiao confirmed. the international mathematics olympiad competition is an competition held every 4 years for students from 15 years old to 20 years old from all over the world come to england to participate in a series of competitions to determine the first, second and third places. when i had participated in this competition last year, i've only placed fifth and i don't remember the first place coming from england. 

"ringggg" the sharp sound of the bell cut off our conversations and everyone returned to their seats as our form teacher walked into class, tailing her was a tall and slim boy with sharp and defined features. "good morning class, we have a new transfer student who was previously home-schooled. his name is cai xukun, please welcome him. the girls immediately started fawning over him and i heard many comments like "omg, he's so handsome!", "please sit next to me!", "he's so rich and handsome!" coming from the girls while the boys were rolling their eyes at him. the girls gave him a thunderous applause while the boys didn't even bother. i could tell that he would soon become a big threat to the boys. "please introduce yourself." "hello everyone, my name is cai xukun but you can call me kun. this the first time i am going to a school so i might not be familiar with certain stuff, please assist me, thank you," xukun said and bowed. the teacher nodded and said, "thank you xukun, please sit at the empty seat beside y/n." she pointed to me. i closed my eyes and sighed, great, now i'll be public enemy #1 to the girls. i could feel everyone staring at me. if stares could kill, i'll be dead by now. i could hear girls hissing to each other as xukun sat beside me. i glanced at him and saw him staring blankly at everyone, wondering what to do. 

"you need to prepare for the next lesson, english," i told him quietly as a reminder but he retorted, "i know, do you think i'm dumb?" i was taken aback by his rude attitude and stared at him. "what are you looking at, you've haven't seen someone so handsome?" xukun asked as he pulled out his textbooks from his bag. i rolled my eyes at his comment and went back to reading my notes. it seemed like i wouldn't have the best time sitting beside xukun.

author's notes

heyy guys! here's chapter 1 of "a blessing in disguise" and i hoped you'd like it! since i will be writing 2 books now, there will be less updates of "the brightest star" and i hope you understand! thank you!

peachysope logging out...

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