"Critical Situation"

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In 2017, after 7 years Lieutenant Rorke passed away when gunfight in Mexico, Dave was taking over Bravo team command. These team consist of four highly skilled special forces, the member of these team there are, Dave, the leader of these team, he was served as an US Navy Seals for over 10 year, he was involve in Iraq war, Afghanistan war and also involve in capturing Osama bin Laden in 2011. Then, Wiemy, before he join the US Navy Seals, he just only regular seaman crewing the naval vessel in Hawaii, then he try to join the US Navy Seals candidates selection but he was rejected for several times but because his big motivation then he was accepted in 27 years old. Next, Mikey, he was most senior member in Bravo team, he was served as special forces for over 20 year, he was involve in Gulf war, Iraq war and more. Also he is expertise in explosive ordnance and maybe he can sinking a big naval vessel in quickly. The last member, Chris he is new comer in these team, his age is about 24 years old, he was graduated from the special forces selection process last year. Due to his age, was the youngest member in bravo team.

When the Bravo team conducting a counter-terrorism drill in the basecamp, they was ordered to stop their training due to upper command assign the Bravo team to attend the briefing about information about the terrorist leader who have responsible in several terrorist attack in the world in the meeting room. After the Bravo team entering the meeting room, Captain Miller enter the classroom and the team give salute to him. Then, Captain Miller describes the briefing about the most terrorist in the world. "Alright, I will explain your mission is capture kill or alive the most dangerous terrorist leader who have responsible in several attacks". After that, he explain Karimov and Sanchez, these two individual who have involve on hijacking the MV Ocean Star in Somalia, 9/11 Tragedy, Iraq-Syria insurgency and other several terrorist attack in the world. Afterwards, Captain Miller tell the information about the location where the Karimov and Sanchez alive. "We have information that Karimov and Sanchez alive, they was alive in the Phillipines, the specific location was in Mindanao camp, Mindanao islands, these place was heavily guarded with the terrorist". Then, Mikey asking question to Captain Miller, "what kind weapon the guard uses in guarding the camps?", Captain Miller said "they will have several heavy weapon, it can be from western or east bloc". Afterwards, the team prepare to Phillipines with military aircraft from Hawaii. After landed with freefall techniques safely in the terrorist area, the team infiltrated the terrorist camp with silently, Dave and Wiemy start to breach every building doors. But, the terrorist was known the team attack their camps and start firing their weapon to the team and the Bravo team was pinned down in one building. When Wiemy, Mikey and Chris starts to return fire from their weapon, Dave asking air support in radio, "requesting immediately air support in designated coordinate". 5 minutes after, air support coming from attack helicopter, the heli starts to firing rocket and chaingun to the terrorist. After that, the camp was sterilized from the terrorist threat but Karimov and Sanchez was not here but the team rescue 14 American hostages who have been kidnaped in eighteen months in the camp. Karimov and Sanchez was aware the team will raid his camp, then they flee from the camp using helicopter to unknown destination. After that, the Bravo team was asking extraction to out from this camp with the fourteen American hostages using two helicopter.

Four months later, the Bravo team got information from Sean, he was CIA informant who supply several classified information for the team, Dave was informed that valuable information. The information is the existence of Karimov and Sanchez who have been fled in a raid in Philippines, "we have information about the Karimov and Sanchez location, they was flee to the Iraq" Sean said, after they flee from Philippines using helicopter to Malaysia, he aboard the jetliner to Iraq. After landed, in Iraq he went to a safehouse in Mosul. Sean got this information from their subordinates in Iraq, their subordinates was observe Karimov and Sanchez in three months, "the specific location was known, the building has was located in Mosul outskirts, and far from the neighbourhoods". The Bravo team can realize when they attempt to capture Karimov and Sanchez is the same as looking for death because the Mosul city is the "death city" for U.S soldier because many American death in this city when gulf war, Iraq war and also these city is the nest of the most dangerous terrorist in the world who have been involve in Iraq-Syria insurgency. Then, the Bravo team began make a plan to capture the terrorist by coordinating with Brian, the representative of private military contractor (PMC), at the beginning Brian refuse to make a collaboration due to how dangerous if they start a battle in Mosul. But, the negotiation went tough, and Brian accept the negotiation with provision if there any casualties in Bravo team or civilian, they will not be held responsible. Then, Dave as the Bravo team leader accept the provision from Brian and when they start to prepare to make a raid in Mosul, they get an offer to use the newest bulletproof vest and the most up-to-date communication radio from CIA agent, Sean . Hereafter, Dave accept the offer from Sean.

Later on, in early morning, Bravo team and the PMC start to go to Mosul from Baghdad using airplane. The airplane engine starting, the pilot order the Bravo team and PMC get in the airplane because the airplane will began to take off. Then, after two hours in plane, the team start to jump out from the ramp door in aircraft, then they after out from the plane they open their parachute. After landed safely in the land, the team gathered in one place to prepare attack in Mosul. Then, the team was split into two attack waves, the first attack wave will be carry out by the Bravo team from the north, and the second attack will be performed by the PMC from the south side of a camp which Karimov and Sanchez exist in Mosul city. The first attack wave began, intense gunfight between the insurgent and bravo team was inevitable. PMC start to support the Bravo team by began to make supporting fire from the south. Then, the insurgent who protect Karimov and Sanchez from the outside began to admit heavy casualties and they start to retreat to the underground caves besides the city. Afterwards, the team start to pursue them into the caves and at that time too Karimov start to detonate the suicide vest in their body, but Mike began to shoot them and their shoot precisely hit the hand which held the detonator and hit Karimov head which make Karimov killed instantly.

Later on, the team began to neutralize the remaining insurgent in the cave and also search Sanchez. Then, the team was cleared every rooms in cave but one room was not yet, Wiemy start to breach the door by an explosive, after the door breached the team entered the room swiftly and they find Sanchez, Dave start to fire his weapon to Sanchez, and hit their head and stomach repeatedly and Sanchez killed instantly. But, Chris was hit by Sanchez, because before Dave shoot, Sanchez was firing his weapon to the team and several bullet was hit to Chris. After that, the team began evacuate Chris to safeplace while waiting helicopter to go out the team from Mosul. Unfortunately, Chris was dead in helicopter on the way to the nearest base ops due to running out of blood which have been leaked from the bullet hit in his throat.

After that, Chris given military funeral with full honours, the funeral was attended by Navy Seals, Private Military Contractor who have been involved on raid in Mosul, Iraq. Then, after the Chris's funeral, Dave got an information the Bravo team will be assigned to liberate the hostages who have been imprisoned in Gulf of Aden, Somalia.

To be continued..............

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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