you're my best friend ; part 9

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chloe's pov

about a month ago i got an email that i, along with a. few other students had been specially selected from the nyu students studying drama and musical theatre to audition for a show, on broadway.

i had auditioned last week and i had been told. i got the part. i'd kept everything a secret until now. this was my big break. this is what dreams are made of, i have a chance of making it in the theatre world.

the musical was six. i had been selected to audition for anne boleyn and i couldn't believe it. i've worked so hard for this and it's finally paying off, i think it's time i tell ben.

i called and he thankfully picked up, i was practically bursting, i couldn't keep this a secret for much longer.

"honey guess what!!" i excitedly tell him.

"what is it babe?" he replied

"okay, i've been keeping this a secret for a while but a month or so ago i was selected along with a few other students from nyu to audition for a broadway show. i done the audition around a week ago and guess what!!" i said back.

"omg what! did you get the part?!" he said

"I DID!!" i said back, my voice cracking.

"IM SO PROUD OF YOU OH MY GOD!!" he practically shouted down the line.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!" i shouted.

"come over?" i said, almost regaining my composure.

"on my way!" he said before hanging up.

i jumped around my room with happiness. it was quite a long drive from ben's house to where i stayed so i decided to make some lunch for us.

i decided to make tacos. i tried the meat and chopped the vegetables for the salsa. i prepared everything else and just as i was finishing up he rang the doorbell.

i ran to the door. i could barely say hi before he kissed me. i kissed back and the kiss deepened, but i pulled away before it went any further.

"i'm so fucking proud of you oh my god!" he said, smiling.

"i literally can't believe it." i replied.

"what smells good." he said, making his way to my kitchen.

"i made tacos." i said, remembering it was his favourite food.

"can you be anymore amazing?" he said, sitting at the table.

i quickly put everything on a plate and brought it into the dining room.

"so what musical is it?" he asked as he assembled his taco.

"six. it's about henry VIII's 6 wives. i'm playing anne boelyn!" i said.

"that's honestly amazing. i'm proper proud of you." he said.

"thank you so much." i replied.

"this is actually amazing." he said, devouring his food.

"i love cooking as a hobby!" i said smiling.

ben had a twinkle in his eye as he spoke to me. i'm actually falling for him, he's so thoughtful and truly cares about me so much, something i've never had with boys before.

"do you want to go out tonight as a celebration?" he asked.

"of course! where to?" i said, a bit over-excitedly.

"that's a secret." he said to me, slightly devilishly.

"last time it was a secret it was amazing, so i'll trust you." she said with a smirk.

after we finished eating we went into the living room and i put something on netflix, but i sat on my phone mostly and so did he.

we didn't have to be talking to enjoy each other's company, ws had a special connection, i've never felt this with anyone else.

i could honestly go on for hours about ben. from his striking looks to his personality, to the way he makes me so happy.

time flew by, and suddenly it was around 5:30.

"i guess it's time for me to leave then." he said, sighing.

"i'll see you in an hour?" he said as he got up.

a part of me didn't want him to leave, but i agreed and he went home.

we decided we would get a taxi there and back to have a few celebratory drinks.

i decided to wear a nude, checker pinafore dress with a black belt and a white long sleeved top under it. i curled my hair and put makeup on. i sprayed perfume and put on earrings. i was ready at the exact time he knocked on my door.

ben hardly said a word as he opened the door. it made me so happy when he was blown away by my looks.

we stepped outside and the cold air hit me. we hailed a taxi and went on our way to the small restaurant.

when we finally arrived i was glad to be warm again. it gets freezing in new york in the winter months. ben had taken me to a small diner, with a bar.

i ordered chicken nuggets with waffle fries and one too many rosé wines.

ben ordered a cheeseburger and beer.

by the time we finished and paid, i was kinda stumbling. ben was also slightly drunk so we got in the taxi and went back to my house. i found another bottle of wine in my cupboard so we decided to get drunk.

we had a long heated makeout session before finally falling asleep on my couch with the big bang theory on in the background. what a perfect end to a friday night.

more ben and chloe cause it's soft! hope you guys like it, but i will be doing more joe and holly very soon x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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you're my best friend ; joe mazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now