chapter 5:The friendly witch

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Hello there readers! By the time I was righting this I was looking at how many people were reading my book and I saw that there was about over 100 people!? And I only started this a couple days ago!? But thank for reading my book now enjoy the story!
(Davids POV)
"What happened to everyone else" Boat ask
"No clue" I said
"They've gotta be around here somewhere" Mario said
"We should check there first" I said as I pointed to the giant tree not to far away
"That doesn't look like a normal tree" Mario said
"Exactly, that's probably where anyone else would go first" I said
"That doesn't make sense" Boat said
But I just started walking toward the tree with them following behind me
(SNO Pats POV)
I was reorganising books on the shelf when I heard footstep coming up the stairs
"What even is this place?"??? Said
"I don't know"??? Said
Three people had walked in into the shop
"Hello there!" I said
(FTO Davids POV)
"Hello there!"??? Said
"Hi" Boat said waving while me and Mario said nothing
"What is this place" Mario asked
"Oh,this is my shop where you possibly find anything you need here"??? Said
"Oh really? That sounds--"
"So cool!" Boat said Interrupting me
"Well we were just here to try and find are...friends and we were wondering if you've seen anyone come by here at all?" Mario ask
"No I haven't, I'm I never got your names..."??? Said
"I'm Mario,this is David,and that's Boat"
"Well its nice to meet you three,my name is Pat" Pat said
Right when he said his name is when I realized that he looked very familiar. He looked a little like that Pat o Conner guy from Grimshade,except he sounds different and seems so much sweeter.
Then out of no where it sounded like something had crashed. A bunch of stuff had fallen over and right beside it was a some kind of skeleton looking thing!?
"Oh I'm so sorry Pat! I'll pick it up for you"??? Said
"no its fine Pierre...I can get it later" Pat said
Then the skeleton guy named Pierre looked at me and said"hello"
"What the frick are you!?"was all I could say
(SNO Bryan's POV)
I was leading them to Pat's shop,I'm pretty sure he would have something that can help them get back home
"and were here" I said
Then they looked around
"Its just a tree" Silver said
Then I walked onto the floaty thing (I'm sorry I don't know what its called) and it took me to the top.
"Oh?" Silver said
Then they all did the same and we were all at the top when I heard someone say"what the frick are you"
Then I went up the stairs to see Pierre's looking sad,Pat and three random people I've never met before standing there.
"Hey that isn't very nice!" Pat said
"I had the right to say that! Like seriously look at him!"??? Said
Then I could hear Ritchie say" oh no..."
"Hey I know I'm a skeleton but that still doesn't mean my feelings can't get hurt..." Pierre said
"Meh,does it look like I care"
Ok that was the last straw!
I ran over and went between Pierre and these strangers
"Hey listen here buddy,who do you think you are messing with my friend here!?" I said pulling out my sword
"Wel--wait Bryan!? What happen to you?"??? Said
What how does he know my name!?
(FTO Brandons POV)
" David..."I said
Once I said that he stood frozen but then turned around to look at us
'Oh!! Hey guys,how it going!"David replied nervously
We all stood there silent but then I looked over to Mario and I'm pretty sure I saw him grinning.
"Soooo,um yeah....wait a second is this where you guys have been!? We had been looking all over for you and they even made me look around Mrs. Penderghast place,I hated it!" David said
"Um what's going on here?"Pat said
"actually yeah I would like a explanation of where are we!?"David said
"Well to answer the first question and kinda the second one,were from an alternate dimension and were kinda stuck here at the moment" Silver said
"Wait so these people are with you?" Bryan asked
"Sadly yes..." I said
"Sadly what do you mean Sadly!?" David said
"Well technically now that you guys are here it means we now havw to keep track of you an have to all stay together" I replied
Then Boat looked a bit worried
"What with the look on your face?" Bri ask
"Um well,how do I put this,um...we weren't the only one's that came here" Boat said
"What!?" Ritchie
"Oh right I almost forgot about that" David said
"hold up! Who else is here!?" Michael said
"Oh well remember when I said we've been looking for you guys all over the place,well it wasn't just us,it was the other guilds as well.Except for the wandering coins they didn't care that much. But then we all went to the protector's guild hall and then this portal came out of no where and took us all inside of it and yeah now were here" David said
"But who exactly is here?"
"Hmm,there's us,lo'pho,Kay, Jakey,Bryan --"but Mario was cut off
"wait there's another me!? Oh right sorry..." Bryan said sitting on the floor
"Then there's Colin,Pat,and Mitch" Mario said
"But where are they?" Bri ask
"That's the thing,we don't know. It was only us" Mario said
"So you guys are from a different dimension?" Pat ask
"Um yeah I guess" Silver said
"That's so cool!! I've only read about other dimensions but I've never actually met someone from one" Pat said
"Oh also this is why I brought you guys here,I was thinking that Pat could have something that could bring you guys back to your world?" Bryan said
"And I think I might know how,but if there is more than you guys then were gonna have to find them first,so for right now w--AH!" Pat had finished saying then covered his eyes.
Then Bryan had covered his. Then most of us were staring at David
"What?" David said
Then he noticed that he was only wearing his boxers on
"Oh sorry about that,this always happen..."he said
" DAVID!!!"I yelled

1096 words YAY!!!
So that's all for today and its 8:22 PM right now,but I'm not tired and I took the time to make this story before my bedtime. I just really love this story,and also thank you for reading this story,I really appreciate it!and also there's a little sketch I made of Bryan at the top so check that out if you want. Also if you have a favorite part to this story tell me in the comments and also point out any spelling errors if there are any. And that's all BYE! :3

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