"I don't see your sister complaining," Caspian pointed out, throwing a friendly glance at (Name). She shrugged.

"He got my fill of the characteristic." Eustace turned to her, scowling. He went to have a go at her, but was interrupted by a man yelling from the crow's nest that they were approaching land.

Caspian excitedly excused himself from the conversation, dashing up the stairs to get a better view. Glancing over her shoulder, (Name) could easily see an island in the distance, the green of the trees glimpsing over the horizon.

Interested in where they were approaching, (Name) went on a search for the Captain, only to find him with Edmund and Caspian. "What is that place?" She asked. Caspian handed her the telescope.

"The Lone Islands," Captain Drinian said. "The port of Narrowhaven."

(Name) squinted as she peered through the monocular. She could barely make out a dock on the west side of the island. Short buildings littered the coast.

"Strange, not a Narnian flag in sight," Caspian commented, his dark brows furrowed. Inquisitive, Edmund tapped his cousin's shoulder, and (Name) handed him the telescope.

"But the Lone Islands have always been Narnia's." He swung the telescope slightly, getting a better look at the island. "I say we prepare a landing party." The Captain looked to Caspian. "Drinian?" Edmund looked to the Captain, waiting for him to give the orders.

"Forgive me, your Majesty," Drinian started, "but the chain of command starts with King Caspian on this ship."

(Name) snorted, covering her mouth out of embarrassment when everyone turned to her in surprise. "Sorry, I don't know why I found that funny." Bright red rose up her neck and coated her cheeks, and Caspian grinned at her reaction.

"We'll use long boats," Caspian ordered, his eyes never leaving (Name)'s. Her blush worsened under his strong gaze, and she dipped her head to avoid eye-contact. "Drinian, pick some men and come ashore." The Captain gave a word of affirmation and Caspian began walking away, followed by the others.

"Aw, sorry, Ed. Looks like that hurt a bit more than it should've, huh?" (Name) asked her cousin. He shrugged, giving her no more than a slight grumble and some choice words under his breath.


(Name) had been brought along on the boats, as per Lucy's request. As per the usual, Eustace was complaining about multiple things, if not one at a time, then all at once. They pulled up to the dock and began disembarking, Caspian helping Lucy and (Name) get out with relative ease.

"Couldn't this have waited till the morning?" He whined, scrambling to get a good footing as he stepped out of the boat.

Reepicheep was quick to respond. "There is no honour in turning away an adventure, lad."

"Oh, come on, Eu. I don't have any cheese to give to accompany your whine," (Name) said, impatiently. She rubbed at her ankles; She had yet to wear in the pair of boots she had been given in leu of her Mary Jane's.

"Come on, jelly legs," Reepicheep encouraged. He reached out a paw to help Eustace climb out.

"I'm capable of doing it myself—" Eustace's face successfully became acquainted with the stairs.

(Name) rolled her eyes and joined her cousins further up the dock. "You're certain he's related by blood," Caspian asked, genuine concern lacing in his forehead. A loud dong rung over the port, echoing loudly and causing the men to raise their weapons defensively. "Reepicheep, stay here with Drinian's men and secure the place. We'll head on."

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