2; flannel

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I heard the annoying blare of my alarm clock and hurriedly reached for my phone to shut it off. I huffed loudly and dug my face into my pillow.
Monday through Thursday Nicole and I had to wake up at 7:30 every single day and it was the most ungodly feeling in the world.
But we needed the money.
I rolled over and looked to Nicole on the opposite bed. Her blonde hair was a complete mess as she lay wrapped in her sheets, I almost felt bad having to wake her up knowing for sure that her head is going to hurt like hell. I got up from my bed and laid down next to Nicole, my arm across her body.
"Wake up." I said loudly in her ear.
"Fuck you." She said rolling over and stuffing her face in her pillows.
"Anytime." I said before getting up and searching for clothes to wear. We worked at hot topic and could technically wear whatever we wanted. I honestly didn't feel like doing shit that morning, as usual. So I rummaged through my draws looking for something loose fitting. My fingers stopped fumbling around when I saw the familiar red, blue and white flannel. I stared at it for a while, thinking about nothing in particular but everything all at the same time.
"You ok?" Nicole asked as she saw me standing there by my dressers.
"Yeah." I said quickly, pulling out the flannel and a pair of dark jeans. I knew she saw the flannel and I knew she caught on but she didn't say anything and I was grateful for that.
"Hurry up, Nick. We're gonna be late." I say before getting up and walking to the bathroom
Our shift for Monday always ended at 5:00 which was quite convenient. The only good thing about Mondays is that our shifts started and ended at the same times. Only one person had to drive and we never had to worry about being late. When we got home I took off my pants and crawled into bed. Nicole joined me shortly after, both of us laying in complete silence.
"Nick?" My voice was quiet and weak.
I turn on my back and she grabs my hand from under the covers.
"Im not feeling so good today." It's silent for a second before her thumb brushes over the top of my hand.
"I know."
Its silent for a while after that because we both know I'm crying and we both know I hate crying even more than I hate talking about my feelings. After I calm down and breathe deeply Nicole looks at me with a small smirk on her face.
"You wanna go to the beach?"
Nicole and I sat on the sand, sharing a cigarette and still not saying much. I looked over to the group of teenagers having a bonfire on the other side of the beach as I took a long drag of the cigarette.
"He used to be like that." I say, passing the cigarette to Nicole.
"Happy and all." I look into her blue eyes that always seem to make me feel better.
"I remember it."
She looks over to the group of kids laughing and drinking beer. Some kissing and giggling at each other.
"Me too." She says, looking down at her shoes. And we both fall silent again. When someone knows you as well as Nicole and I know each other, silence is just as strong as sound.
"Mate, that is them." We hear a voice attempt to whisper behind us.
Nicole and I look behind us to see too familiar figures.
"Hello, loves." Liam says sweetly as he sees us staring at him. I only roll my eyes and continue to stare at the waves ahead of me. Not even the mysterious guy with the blue eyes could make me feel better that day.
"Liam, right?" Nicole hollers, suddenly becoming very interested in the two boys.
"Yeah. Nice to see you again, Nick. And of course you, Eric." I wave at them and try not to stare at Louis.
"Why don't you two come sit?" Nicole suggests and I internally groan. I was not in the mood to flirt.
"Love to." Liam said as they began walking towards us. He sat next to Nicole and smiled sweetly at her and I tried so hard to pretend Louis didn't sit right next to me.
But he did.
I looked over to him but didn't change my facial expression at all. I was angry at everything and wasn't trying to hide it.
"You look sad." He says quietly. I laugh breathily at him and continue to take a drag from my cigarette.
"Yeah." I whisper, not even sure if Louis can hear me or not. I hear Nicole giggling beside me and staring at Liam with wide and curious eyes. I smile at them and something inside me wished I could act that carefree with Louis.
"Wanna take a walk?" Liam asks. Nicole stops laughing and looks over at me with wide eyes.
"Uh, N-no. Let's just stay here?" I laugh and nudge her with my elbow.
"Go." I say and she smiles at me before standing up and grabbing Liam's hand.
Louis and I sit in silence for like 2 minutes. Which honestly felt like 2 hours.
"Sorry." I suddenly say, seeming to startle Louis.
"For what, love?"
"Sorry that you got stuck with the 'other girl'" I say, laughing even though nothing was funny and I wasn't happy at all and I just wanted to go to sleep and cry and then go back to sleep.
"You're absolutely clueless aren't you, babe?"
I stare at him and don't say anything, waiting for him to explain further. He simply shakes his head and chuckles at me.
"I've the best luck in the world to be sitting here with someone as beautiful as you."
His words don't effect me at all and I tear my eyes away from his.
"A pretty face means very little." I said, keeping my eyes away from his that are noticeably staring at me.
"Something tells me you're much more than just a pretty face."

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