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    A heart breaking topic. I hate it. I find it odd, people aren't getting the message. What message? The one that says that you need to live. I mean they aren't making it clear. I literally said thought that the message was stupid. Now, I see why. They didn't give me the message clear enough. I'll make it clearer. Advantage that I went through it too. I'm serious. I did. If you come face-to-face with me, you would kinda know it's me. How? On my left forearm, I have a scar. Right on veins. It's noticeable too. I know how it feels. It really, really sucks. I've been hurt physically and mentally. As a kid.....I was bullied. I remember......I was on the playground full of rocks. I was pushed off the metal playset stairs. No one cared. The thing bully called me names and made fun of me. Today.....I remember the other times I was bullied. What was worse......a classmate of mine had made fun of me while I was with a relative who was dying. My friend notified me. I almost broke. Not only was I not there for that relative, but why I was gone. You should be there for someone who is going through this stuff. It's serious. What's worse, more people are dying because of people are treating them. I have a classmate. At the age of four, she was almost drowned by her own father. Whenever a song comes on, she starts panicking. What's worse she was beaten by him. Her family is poor and is struggling. Now, she has not came to school for months and I'm worried for her. One day, before she disappeared, she came to school with a bandage on her wrist. I realized what it was right away. The reason they put bandages in those so the blood doesn't seep through their clothes. I have another friend. Her problem will remain a secret for her sake, but it resulted her in a mental hospital! This stuff I'm telling you about is no joke! This evil uses you as a puppet! It wants you to play their games!
    How many? How many people will continue to suffer? How many people will end their life? How can this even be accepted into society? I finding sickening that such people would cause this! I'm sick of it! People are literally dying! These are people's lives here that are on the line! I'm going to say this right now. This is to everyone out there. You aren't alone! You have something to live for! Hold on, for someone will be untangling your mess. I'll be there, but I won't be the one that will untangle it. A man with great wisdom, power, and love will save you from drowning. He saved me. He can help you. Don't throw what life you have, hold on to it. Grasp it. If someone is abusing you, fight them! Defend yourself and disarm them. Don't break anything though for their guilt will be taken off. If someone is bullying you, stand up to them. Stand up to them so they understand your shoes. If you're being sexually harrased, fight them. Show them that you have your own free will. Shout your voice! Evil has entered their life! The evil shall not stay! It will be casted out into nothing, but garbage! All these problems are casted by evil! We're all called humans, aren't we?
    We can't let people die because of how the evil from other people affect others. I challenge you today, don't be afraid to reach your hand out for someone. If you don't know who, look for those who look like they're suffering the most. We need each other. None of us are enemies to each other! It's the evil that lingers this Earth! We need to cast it out into garbage were it belongs! We are free people! We will not be puppets for this evil! We shall not let our own fall because we're one! We're one! We're people! We're not going to be controlled by string that bound use to wood! We'll fight against it! We're something bigger with a bigger purpose! We all have something to live for! We have something to complete in our lives! We have to search for it and dig deeper to find it! We have to squish through the narrow way to reach it! We have to help each other through! Ths biggest war isn't the physical, but it's the one inside your head. The ones that are in your head are the real battles! No one is counted as an enemy! The voices saying we're not good enough or that we should die are our real battles! The voices in our head is our foes! We must not give up! We can't! I will not let you! Fight for what you are! Fight for what you have! Fight for everything! We can't just fall and give up! We have to keep trying! We can't fall the first time and say that it's the end. It's not! It's only the beginning! You shouldn't use that knife to kill yourself. Put it down! For these battles, the voices are your foes! They're your real enemies! Every single person standing on this Earth, flesh and blood, are your comrades! We'll fight by each other! We'll bring each other up instead of trying to gain glory by hurting the wrong people! The evil is trying to kill us all! The battles are in our heads! It's the reason that people are saying negativity and committing suicide! I ask you, why should we hurt our own? We're the same! We'll be each other now matter what! You gotta get your head in the game! You gotta see who really is trying to take you out! Promise me, you will not commit suicide. I beg you don't do it. The message I just said right what they were trying to say to you all this time. The smallest sentences could mean a book.

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