6. Smells Like Teen Spirit

Start from the beginning

"You can't just keep appearing like this. Freaks me out." He says.

"I'm a ghost. It's all I got. And I couldn't appear if you weren't thinking about me." She says.

"Well, I was just thinking about our first day last year. I was worried about running into Elena and you said..." he says.

"Suck it up. Be a man. And show her what she's missing." She finishes it.

"Yeah. Instead, she met a vampires." Matt say.

"You ok, Matty? You seem unhappy." She asks.

"Yeah, I just life stuff. You know, with you gone and mom not around, it's... A lot to deal with alone. I'm glad I get to talk to you, though. I miss you." He says.

"I miss you, too. What if I told you there was a way that you could help me come back?" She asks.

"What do you mean come back?" He asks, Tyler knocks on the window. Vicki disappears.

"Donovan! What are you doing? Come on, man. Let's go!" Tyler says. Matt goes out of the truck.

"You talking to yourself?" Tyler asks

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Matt asks.

"We're seniors, man. Life is good. Jake is going to college, I don't have to see Scarlett everyday." Tyler says. Matt nods his head.

||  Ivory's Home ||

"Mom." Scarlett comes in, knowing it's her day off.

"What happened?" Ivory ask.

"Your Dad is an grade A asshole." Scarlett says.

"What did he do?" Ivory asks.

"He turned Tyler into a Hybrid, Jakes next, if I piss him off he's next." Scarlett cry's.

"You can always turn him Scarlett, Jake has an option, you can turn him and give him free will." Will says walking in.

"What?" Scarlett asks.

"He won't feel pain, during the full moon, he'll be able to change when he wants to." Will says.

"Mom? This is crazy right?" Scarlett asks.

"It is Scarlett, but if Jake asks, he would prefer that you turn him." Ivory says.

"But this is nuts." Scarlett says.

"Kinda, I did it when I was 14, I was mad at my dad, turned a Wolf, he was sired to do me, my dad heard he came, and killed him. Telling me I didn't understand what I was playing with. Hybrids are loyal, they'll kill for their master." Ivory says. "I didn't use him for evil, he just helped me with my chores, and I would feed him with blood bags." She adds.

"I'll do this if he asks, I won't suggest it. None of you will! Okay?" Scarlett says. Ivory and Will nod their heads. She talks for them and then leaves to meet up with her friends.

"Mom, I'm head back to campus. I need to finish setting up some things. I'll be back tomorrow." Will says.

"Want me to go with you?" Zach asks.

"Yeah." Will smiles. They bid Ivory goodbye and leave. As they're far away Rebekah knocks on Ivory's door.

"Will, did you forget your keys again?" Ivory asks and she opens the door revealing her aunt Beks.

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