Staying With Jenny?

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The TV show finished but I think I paid more attention to Jenny than the TV. Every time I looked at her, she was already looking at me, but when she noticed she looked back at the TV. I leaned back and yawned as I look at Nora.

You: So you built Jenny yourself?

Nora: Yes, built her in the basement.

You: In the basement?

Nora: Yeah what's wrong with that?

You: Nothing's wrong with it. I was just thinking if you made her it would be in some high tech lab.

Nora smirked and stood up.

Nora: Follow me please Y/N, you too Jenny.

Jenny and I stand up in unison and follow Nora to a door. She opens it and walks down, keeping that damn smirk on her face. We reach the bottom and it's pitch black until with the sound of a flick the place is lit up. All around us is high tech machines that I can't explain.

You: Whoa...

Nora: Pretty impressive right?

You: I'd only think to see something like this in movies.

Nora: Well, this is real life.

Nora proceeded to walk us over to a machine farther back and leaned against it.

Nora: This is the bad boy that finished building Jenny.

You: Cool.

Nora: I built this baby back in...

Nora's voice faded out as I stared at Jenny. For a good few seconds Jenny and I locked eyes before smiling at eachother and looking away.

Nora: And that's what makes this machine so great.

You: That's awsome. So do most people that are friends of Jenny's know about this?

Nora: Very few, but sometimes they stumble upon it themselves.

You: I could even build stuff like this no matter how easy you can make it.

Nora: You wouldn't know until you tried.

You: Maybe one day.

Jenny: What does your mom do?

You: She's a banker.

Jenny: Sounds fun.

You: Tell her that and she'll disagree.

Jenny: And what about your dad?

I just stood there quite.

Jenny: Y/N?

You: I don't know what he does.

Jenny: How do you not know?

You: I've never met him. They divorced before I was born and my mom got another boyfriend, who was the one there for my birth.

Jenny: Oh, sorry I asked.

You: No, It's alright, I've been doing fine without him.

Jenny: So who lives at home with You?

You: Just me and my mom.

Jenny: And where is she now?

You: Out on a business trip for 2 weeks.

Jenny: So you're home alone for 2 weeks?

You: Yep.

Jenny: Well we can hang out way more often now.

You: Damn right we can.

I then walk back upstairs and plop onto the couch. Jenny then sit down next to me and turned the TV on again. I decided to ask possibly the most random question.

You: So Jenny.

Jenny: What is it Y/N?

You: Since my mom will be gone for a while, can I stay with you for a day or two?

Jenny: Why don't you stay with me the whole 2 weeks?

You: Then I'd have get permission from your mom, and pack a bunch of stuff because I'd practically be moving in periodically.

Jenny: The I'll go ask her.

Before I could say anything Jenny stood up and ran back down to the basement.

You: She really is the most human robot I've ever seen.

After about 6 to 8 minutes Jenny cane sprinting back up the stairs and stood behind me.


I leaped forward when I heard her scream.

You: That's good, I'll just have to go home and pack some stuff.

Jenny: But that's gonna take a long time.

You: I'll do it over the course of the next 2-3 days.

Jenny: I'll help to get it done faster.

You: We'll start tomorrow.

My Life As A Teenage Robot (XJ-9 "Jenny Wakeman" X Male Reader) (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now