Five. Dante. / Oliver. /Dante.

Start from the beginning

"What happened?"

"So uhm. I know I said I was going to the bathroom when I got done with my appointment. But I may have made a slight detour."

This time his face paled as he whispered,

"You didn't do anything illegal did you?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as the waitress came back and gave us our waters. After she took our order, and winking at me, we were finally alone again. "No. I went up to just say hi to Oliver."

"He seems like a good guy, really nice too."

"I kissed him."

The drink of water he just took was suddenly flying out of his mouth, followed by coughing. "What?" He croaked out. "How did you go from saying hi, to kissing? Also, I've never heard you ever saying you were into guys."

"That's the thing," I said while playing with my straw wrapper and not meeting his eyes. "I've never had feelings like this, about anyone and it's confusing as hell. I mean you know that I've been with girls, but I had really squashed any other feelings away. Honestly the first time I thought about a guy in a different way, I was in high school. But you know how my parents were," He instantly nodded when I finally looked back up. "And I kept hearing my dad's voice in my head whenever he talked about gay guys. I didn't want him to dislike me anymore if he knew I thought Danny from chemistry was hot. Not that it would have mattered, because no one liked me. But ever since then I've forced myself to just kiss and mess around with girls."

The waitress suddenly came back and out our food in front of us. The shrimp on my plate made my stomach turn as she gave me another annoying wink before walking away. When I looked up, Taylor was looking at me with a sad expression. "I had no idea Dante, you never said anything. If I would've known I could've helped you with these feelings."

I simply shrugged before sighing. "I met Oliver one night at a fight. He was there and I got distracted looking at him and got hit. That's when I found out he was a doctor and he took me to the hospital. And ever since then, he's just been around a lot. And I liked having him around because I don't know, he's just nice. And besides you, I don't really know a lot of nice people, if any. I went up to his office to say hi and saw him just talking to a colleague. I don't know why it pissed me off, but it did. Like hardcore. He had said this guy and him had dated before and I thought they were getting friendly again. And it was like this fire inside of me, I didn't want him looking at that guy. So we went into his office and I got shitty with him because you know I can get angry. It was like my body acted on its own because the next thing I knew, I was sitting on his lap and kissing him." I took a breath and took a big swig of water, trying to calm myself down. "And holy fucking hell Tay, this guy can kiss. It felt so right in the moment and then I told him not to fuck that guy. Then I ran away."

Taylor was staring at me with wide eyes, his food completely forgotten in front of him. "Wow. Did he say anything before you ran away?"

"I didn't give him a chance. I just said don't fuck that guy, then I bolted. I heard him calling for me but I bolted away so fast. For a split second I thought he was going to be super pissed at me. My Dad's voice was in my head calling me a disgrace and disgusting. But in that moment, all I cared about was Oliver touching me and making me feel so damn good. And now I'm afraid that he's going to show up at the apartment. Could you please promise me you won't let him in if he does?


"Please," I practically begged.

"I promise. But I don't think this is something you're going to avoid forever. You said you felt possessive of him. Did you ever think he could be thinking the same thing about you?"

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