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(Art is not mine. It belongs to the original artist.)

Walking down the hallway of the building, there was a notice board on one of the walls. Posters, advertisements and few tips are posted on the board.

One of the posters caught your attention. Glancing down to the screen of your phone, you were an hour early to class. So you stop by to take a look at the poster. It read: Pen Pal Program! Sign up now to find a friend from across the world. If you are interested, seek Mr Speedwagon for further inquiries.

Pen pal, huh.... Having a long distance friend sounds nice, you mused to yourself. You take a photo of the poster and send it to the group chat. Inside the group chat are your roommates; Joylne and Trish.

(Name): Has anyone seen this before?

It took a few minutes for them to reply in the chat room.

Joylne: Finally you notice this. This was posted a few days ago and the girls are going cray-cray for having a hot boyfriend.

Trish: Even the boys too. Not to mention, long distance relationship are difficult to maintain.

You lock the screen and shove your phone in your hoodie pocket. Trish maybe right about that. You've seen couples at the campus, all lovey-dovey and all PDA for all eyes to see. Having the long distance relationship does sound difficult but in the back of your mind, having a friend from another country sounds nice. The timezones will be a challenge.

Thinking about it, it might be a hassle. Maybe you'll sign in next year. In cue, your phone vibrated. You took it out and saw that it was a notification from the group chat.

Joylne: So (Name)... Are u gonna sign up for it?

Joylne: It would be worth it.

Joylne: Do it.

Trish: Joy, leave her be.

A second later, Trish wrote a message.

Trish: But srsly (Name). Do it.

(Name): Woah, woah! Why not you guys do it?

Joylne: Im lazy :P

Trish: Same.

You smiled to yourself as you read their message. How am I friends with them?

(Name): I'll do it.

Before Joylne or Trish congratulates you for doing out of your bubble, you immediately reply back.

(Name): Next year.

Joylne: Boooooooooooooooooooo

Trish: You almost gOT me good

You smiled when you read their message. How are you friends with them? You don't know how but for one thing, you're glad that they are both your roommates and friends.

Placing the phone back into your pocket once more, you continue your journey to the classroom.

Pen Pal [Caesar Zeppeli x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now