Itsuka the Lion Sin

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The scene immediately went back to my home with me doing homework with my work scattered around the table in reaching point for me. My father had just walked through the door and seen my work spread out and lost it. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING, YOU IDIOTIC CHILD!" Once I heard his voice, all my confidence left me and brought me back to my timid self again. "D-d-doing homework." "AND WHY IS IT ALL OVER THE DAMNED TABLE!?" He grabbed me by my ponytail and threw me on the ground.

"I've told you countless times to never make a mess, and what do you do. YOU MAKE A GODDAMN MESS!" He stomps on my back and kicks my side before going into his room and getting a riding craw. He pulls my shirt up and constantly smacks me. I cried on the ground and tried to squirm away for him to miss and hit my arms and legs. Once he finished, he went to grab some salt from the kitchen and threw it on my back while rubbing it in with his foot. I watched in pain as the younger me screamed at the top of her lungs at this happening to only get slapped across the face to stop shouting.

"Such a deplorable man." I watched as my younger self tried to crawl to the bathroom to clean off and to cover the open skin with bandages. It made me sick that I was once reduced to this level. The next day was a small match that we had against some of the other kids in the dojo with many being various ages. The oldest of them was an 8 year old who was paired with me. When we began, he grabbed one of the marks from the craw on my arm and made my adrenaline go through the roof like before. I moved to grab him and flipped him with little effort to make even the older kids watch in shock.

The feeling of the rush came back to me and I felt empowered again. "Kendo, nice job." my teacher came over and smiled at me before looking horrified. "Kendo raise your arm above your chest right now!" I looked down to see my arm bleeding a lot to make me scared. I raised it in fear to have my uniform rise up and show my bandaged arm. My teacher immediately came back with a first aid kit and noticed how far up the bandages went. He started to unwrap them and saw all the cuts and marks on them.

"Kendo, what happened to you?" I try and pull my arm back with no success. "Kendo, please tell me who did this to you!?" My teacher touched my arm the wrong way and made me snap and punch him in the face in shock. I saw as I gave him a broken and bloody nose. When I saw this, I ran to the changing room and found my things before running out. I was scared. All my teacher was trying to do was help, and I broke his nose because of it. I hated myself at that moment.

"That must've hurt." "I respected the man. He was only trying to help and I punch him in the nose.." I watched as I never went back to the dojo for anything more than tournaments ever again. I stayed home most of my time after with only coming out of my room when I had to. For years, a viscous cycle of me being beaten, winning tournaments, and being beaten again had gone on. My torso started to scar a bit with me starting to lose the feeling of pain again. I never chose to tell anyone of my life and avoided anyone that would ask about my life. Eventually, I became a known champion with my martial arts, but it still did nothing for me.

The scene changed to after a match when I was 6 and taking a breather. I was still on the high of winning and felt confident in myself at that moment until I heard someone beside me. "What a prideful thing to say." I looked over at Izuku holding Rhitta and offering it to me. "How would you like to be part of something that will really test your metal Kendo?" I reached for it and smirked at him. "If it cures me of boredom, I'm in." "So that is how you joined the Sin's." "Yep."

The scene had gone to my home with dad talking to Inko about me living with them. "Do what you want, I don't care." "What an awful thing to say about your own daughter." Inko was amazed my dad said this with him ignoring her. "Just one less mess to clean up after around here. Enjoy the trouble." He walks into his room with us moving my stuff out. 'Am I finally free?' I thought this as I left with my things to the Boar Hat. 'Do I never have to deal with my father again?'

"Everyone, this is Itsuka Kendo. She's going to be our Lion Sin of Pride." Izuku smiled at everyone while a girl came up to talk to me. "It's nice to meet you, my name is Momo." She held out her hand for me to shake it. I grabbed it slowly with her looking a bit surprised. "Quite a lot of bandages on your arm." I pulled away with fear they'll think little of me with it. "Nejire, can you-" "Already on it!" I suddenly get hit by some weird electricity before the girl called Nejire looks at me in shock. "I'm so sorry Kendo, I didn't know." "What didn't you know?" "Well, I have an ability that allows me to read peoples minds. I used it on you to see about those bandages and where they came from and found out where the-" "DON'T EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!" I stormed out of the tavern and outside in anger.

"You did not wish for them to know?" "I was ashamed and panicked when someone found out." My time with the Sin's had continued on until the age of 8 when I was changing and looked at my arms and torso. "Guess I'm not surprised." After the open wounds healed, but the scars on my body remained. "Hey Itsuka, can I borrow a pencil from you, mine were all take-" Izuku walked in unknowingly while I was changing and saw the scars on my body.He immediately shut the door behind him so nobody else would see and turned around for me to put a shirt on. "That's from those bandages you had on when you first came her, aren't they?" "...Yeah." "I won't push, but if you wanna talk about it-" "I don't."

I held onto my arms a bit and cried a little before hearing Izuku come over and hug me from behind. "Admitting something happened doesn't make you weak. It proves your strong enough to face something you really don't want to admit." I felt my heart throb at this and my eyes tear up. "My father." "Excuse me?" "That's where these are from. Now if you want to rag on me for my weakness, then go ahea-" "I'm sorry that had to happen to you." I heard this and stopped in my tracks.

"This must've been hard to say in your position. So I won't tell anyone else or do anything. Just know that I'm here if you want someone to talk to." I felt my heart throb at this with tears not stopping no matter what. "Izuku, can you face me please." He obliges with this and takes my head into his chest. While in it, I sobbed silently as I wrapped around him. For the first time, someone had let me know that saying this doesn't make me any more weak nor looks at me like I am. I only stood there crying in his arms for several minutes as the pain I wanted gone finally left me.

The scene went back to the dojo with Escanor looking over to me. "Can you say now what your sin is." I take a second and think on it before answering. "I couldn't let go of my self pride and say what was really happening to me. As such, I'm more scarred than I probably would've been if I said it from the start. So I refused saying anything. But now that I'm free, I can safely say that I take pride in knowing I'm fighting alongside Izuku and the other Sin's." Escanor smiles at me before laughing.

"Congratulations Kendo, you pass." In that moment, I felt my back burn like it was on fire until my strength felt as if it was unparalleled. "The power I have bestowed upon you shall help you achieve your goals. Now go and show your enemies what the power of a lion can do." Escanor leaves with the scene changing to that of a tree with an opening. I look down on my hands and at the scars filtering my body that have dulled in color over the years and speak to myself.

"My life may not have been pretty, but I'm fine with that. What I am not fine with, is those who wish to harm those I take pride in being around. So as the Lion Sin of Pride. I shall rid this world of the Commandments and stop this worlds destruction no matter the cost. This I swear to myself." I walk out of the tree preparing for my next battle and smiling at my future success.

Power level: (MD)155,000-310,000 (N)1,390-2,780

And that finishes this chapter. So to sum up Itsuka's sin for you all, her pride in herself being looked at as weak is what her sin is. She chose not to tell anyone of her suffering because she deemed it to make her look weak. She despised the thought of people looking at her like she is fragile, so she chose to keep the pain to herself. While fighting, she found the rush of being able to lash out and do what she wished to her father but was unable. Now that she's with the Sin's, her pride in being part of them is what is driving her now. With this, all the trials are done. Next chapter will pick up after the druid trials and talk of what's happening in the outside world as of right now. Hope you enjoyed this and thanks for watching.

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