"Let me see if I can get the power box to come back on. In the meantime there are candles in the kitchen. Please light some up for us will you?" Donovan asks her as he seems to be unaware of what she was wearing.

Or maybe he was. Maybe he could care less. She was no Quinn. That was for sure.

"Alright" she agrees.

He heads out of the room. She makes her way in the dark to the kitchen area. She gathers his candles out. Begins to light them up. That was a little better.

♥ ♥ ♥

"Well it is official. We are out of power. Sorry I tried" Donovan says apologetically.

"It is not your fault" she sighs. Now she was feeling really chilly with her bare legs showing.

"I always hated these kinds of storms. They are so loud" he grumbles.

"Me to" she agrees.

"Ginger ale?" he offers her a drink.

"Sure" she says. He pours her a little drink.

"I am shocked the kids are sleeping through this whole mess" he chuckles.

"Me to. I am glad they are. Though I still am not getting much sleep" she sighs.

"Right" he agrees. Norton whines as he does not like the sounds the storm was making either.

"Bed Norten!" Donovan demands to his worried dog. Norton heads over to the couch to go to sleep. If it were only that easy. BOOM! Thunder makes her jump worse.

"Youreally are scared" he worries softly over her.

His eyes gaze at her with utter concern in them. She nods. He reaches over and touches her arm with his hand gently.

"You are in good hands here. Nothing to fear" he promises her. She manages to nod. No words will come to her. Thunder shook the home again making her jump.

♥ ♥ ♥

"Come here" he coaxes her over to his embrace after setting his drink down on the counter. He holds her close. Her heart pounds faster as he gazes into her eyes. "Nothing to fear but fear itself" he quotes to her softly.

He touches her cheek with the palm of his hand.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are Miss. Carter?" he asks softly making her shiver.

"No, you haven't. I thought we were past the formalities Mr. Spencer?" she jokes softly. He grins.

"We are certainly way past the formalities Sawyer" he says huskily. He leans in. His lips fall to her own. He kisses her. A groan of pleasure tries to escape her lips.

This is wrong. So very very wrong! I should not be making out with my BOSS!!....Sawyer thinks to herself.

But why does this feel so very right?!

"Mmmm..." he groans as she feels his manhood getting aroused on her leg brushing lightly upon her bare flesh.

♥ ♥ ♥

Her body ached to be closer to him. Though she was pressed into his body. She was sure he was used to getting whatever woman he wanted in his bed.

Tonight might not be any different. She wanted him equally as bad. If not more. He grabs her buttocks firmly in his hands. Making her body inches apart from his own. She wraps her leg around his leg. The center of her womanhood grows wet as he rubs against her body.

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