Kion&Rani The one night out of many

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It was a hot night at the tree of life, Kion and his group of the Nightpride had finished there duty for the day of protecting the Tree of Life from any predators . On that night it  was way to hot for Kion to sleep so he decided to go for a walk down to the lake of reflection, when he gets there he gets a big surprise Queen Rani at the Lake on her own...

(kion sneaks up on Rani and catches her of guard and pins her)

Kion: "Hey Rani didn't see that coming did you." (kion smiles at Rani)

Rani: "Sure didn't,but you didn't expect this either (forcefully pushes kion of her and Pins him) see I told you,you can never pin me."(laughs) 

Kion: "ugh ok I will one day so watch out." (Grins at Rani)

Rani: "I'll let you keep hold of that dream,(nuzzles kion) so why are you awake you have had a long and exhausting day from keeping all threat to the tree of out,and you have to continue bright and early in the morning?"

Kion: "I was trying to go sleep but I couldn't the heat was way to much I couldn't get in a comfortable position where it was nice and cool so I went for a walk,while proceeding  on my walk I stumbled across a beautiful sight down at the Lake of reflection it was you and I couldn't  help myself I had to go and see you because we hardly get to have time alone because of the whole I patrol at day you patrol at night,and I just thought id come and have some fun and talk to you  and catch up on things, so what about you how come your here and not on patrol." (licks Rani's cheek.)

Rani: Aw Kion that's so sweet. (licks kion back) So my turn to talk so I was on patrol with my group of the Nightpride and I realised how little time we have with each other the only time we get to talk and have our own time is when one of us has brought food back and even then its not enough time.So I felt a bit emotional so I told the rest of the group I needed a break and then I came here to the lake of reflection to think of all the good times we have I just wish we had more time.Anyway while I was reflecting all of a sudden im getting pinned by the lion who I was just thinking of it was like the best luck I have had all night,when im around you my heart just warms up and I cant stand not being around you,your the energy inside me which keeps me  going every single day." (nuzzles kion)

(kion looks a way for just one second and in the space of that whole second Rani had pushed kion in the River submerging him,Rani laughs but kion pulls Rani in)

Kion:"Gotta love payback!" (laughs)

Rani:"Ugh it was suppose to just be you in this lake not me to" (laughs back)

(kion moves closer to  Rani,Rani acknowledges Kions movement)

Rani:"What are you doing? (chuckles)

Kion:" getting you out this water." (Laughs) 

(kion helps Rani pull herself to shore,Kion starts to climb up when all of a sudden he gets pushed back in)

Rani:"Thats what you get for pulling me in the lake in the first place!"

(kion spits the water out of his mouth and smiles) 

Kion:"you know what I can agree with you on that I did deserve it but you do look so funny with your fur wet "(chuckles)

(kion pulls him self back on to shore Rani shakes and flicks the water on her over Kion, Kion does the same thing back to Rani)

Rani:" Ugh your so annoying." (smiles at kion)

Kion:" I know Rani I know." (smiles back)

Rani:"Anyway its best I get back to my group of the Nightpride they will be concerned why ive been gone so long you know how Baliyo gets." (smiles)

Kion:"Your right best I try and get some sleep now,the heat has calmed down a bit now so I can probably get some sleep in.Its best I do,me and my group have a big day tomorrow who knows what challenges await us plus I need to be rested and ready to get through these challenges without me rested anything bad could happen I hate to think what could happen.I made an oath to protect all animals in the tree of life and that's exactly what I will do.(smiles back at rani)

Rani:"I love you kion."

Kion:"I love you more Rani."

(kion nuzzles Rani for the last time of the night,Rani does the same thing back)

Kion:"With strength and respect."

Kion,Rani:"Nightpride protect!"

So kion and Rani depart from one another Rani returns to her group of the Nightpride to finish there night of patrolling the tree of life.Kion heads back to the tree of life and falls asleep on the Rock which him and Rani sleep on,Kion and Rani both had not felt this good in a long time and was pleased to have time alone together once again. 

The End 

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