Apollo's Idea

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Apollo paced his room, occasionally shooting an arrow at the wall. He wasn't sure what he was thinking. He looked at the photographs on the wall, each of his godly children. The most recent picture was him and his son, Will Solace, at Will's wedding the year before.

That got Apollo thinking, Will had married Nico Di Angelo, a son of Hades. He wondered if they wanted children. Will probably would, he reasoned, but Nico he wasn't sure about. Well, if Will wanted a child, than I would give him one, Apollo thought. Then he frowned, How would I give Will and Nico a child, they are two guys? Well I had a child with a guy, so anything is possible.

He shot one more arrow at the opposite wall. Prometheus made humans from clay. Let's start there. Apollo's smile widened, "I know what to do!" He said, speaking his thoughts aloud for the first time. "Let's go visit Hades. He'll know what to do."

He crossed his room and pulled to stray arrows out of the wall one at a time, What should I name this plan? He thought. Aphrodite calls Will and Nico this name. What is it again. Solis...Solany... "Ah! That's it! Solangelo! Let's call this Operation Solangelo!"

He quivered his arrows, and sat down at his desk and made an empty blueprint appear, "All right, Apollo." He spoke quietly to himself, "Here is my perfect idea."

After he had finished the diagram, he made himself appear right in front of Hades throne while he screamed, "Hi, Hades!"

Hades cursed and almost fell off of his throne, "Apollo! What are you doing here? Can't you tell I'm busy?" He gestured for the others to continue to decide who goes to what part of the Underworld. He grabbed Apollo's forearm, and dragged him to a room that seem almost like a dining room. Hades told Apollo to sit, and after both gods were seated, Hades grumbled, "What brings you here?"

Apollo smiled, "Well, Uncle. You remember your son? The one who married mine last year?"

"Nico? Why?"

"Well. I just had the perfect idea!"

"The perfect idea? Since when do you ever have perfect ideas, Apollo. Remember the haikus."

Apollo snapped his fingers and the diagram appeared, "I call it: Operation Solangelo."

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