Thanksgiving with a frost giant

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Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks.
For Spending time with your loved ones.
And Eating enormous amounts of food, while talking about Christmas plans. Playing board games and for bringing your Boyfriend of a year over to meet your whole family. I was currently swinging on the backyard porch's swing trying to take a break from all the food. I smiled at the thought of Loki trying to protest against eating yet another slice of my Nana's famous pie. Knowing him, He couldn't refuse. He was by far too polite for that. And by the time we are ready to leave from here he won't be able to get up from the couch.
It had been a little over two years after the blip, And since the Avengers defeated thanos.
Just thinking of how much Loki has changed since then melts my heart into a puddle. I always knew he was a good man, he had been just someone who wanted love and his father's admiration. Of course he's done many bad things. But I forgave him. Everyone deserves forgiveness along with a second chance. And that's what he's gotten.
A second chance at a new life.
He truly loved his brother even from the beginning. Their bond grows day by day, it's great to see them get along, even for a little while. Siblings will be siblings.
My mind wanders to the memory of when I first met The god of mischief.
I had been good friends with Thor for many years since he joined the team, I grew up loving astronomy as a child so I fulfilled my dream and became a astronomer. Thor helped me learn the names of different stars and taught me of the nine realms, including his own. All about the history of Asgard, and he talked fondly of his family. His father Odin but mostly about his mother Frigga, and brother Loki. One day I stopped by the tower to meet up with Thor for our weekly sessions of studying the night sky and of Muspelheim. It was around eight at night. The sun had officially set, and I was carrying my books, telescope, and maps that night. And by carrying I mean nearly breaking my neck trying to hold them all together. When I had successfully managed to get through the front door I had forgotten that the elevator was under construction, so that meant I had to go up a hundred stairs, I cursed my blonde god like puppy of a friend. Of course he would pick the top floor. Sighing, I made my way up the stairs one by one trying not to slip and fall to my death.
When I had finally made it to the top floor I rounded the corner to make my way to retrieve Thor from his room. Arriving to his door I tried my best to manage a knock against it.
"Hey Thor! It's me Y/n, I'm here so we can discuss about Muspelheim this week, remember?"
No answer.
I try knocking again. He probably passed out eating pop tarts... again.
"Thor?"I call out once more but receive no reply.
"Okay I'm coming in, I warned you!"
I turned the knob to find it unlocked so I walked in.
"We were gonna talk about the fire Dragons and-"
I look around his room, he's not here. I furrow my brows in confusion. He's supposed to be here. I look down at my watch. It's twenty after eight. I wonder where he could be. I turn around and head back out the door I came in and walk into the living room. Setting my things down on the coffee table, I look around to check and see if anyone might be in the room.
"Um, Hello? Is anyone here?"

"If you are here to see my idiotic brother, I'm afraid he's not here at the moment. He stepped out to retrieve more of Midgardian sweets to fill his black hole of a stomach."
Not expecting a response, I whirl around to the voice and my eyes land on a handsome dark haired man, clad in green attire sitting on the windowsill flipping through pages of a book.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you, I came to see him, he's my friend and we usually study astronomy, he teaches me the names of the stars and ways of the nine realms."
As his eyes never leave the page he answers me.
"And what would a Midgardian woman want to do with that information?"
"I'm a astronomer. I learn about the galaxies, planets, and as of recent I study the ways of citizens from the nine realms. He was going to teach me the realm of Muspelheim tonight." With no other word from him I add, " But since he is not present at the moment I will be leaving."
He glances up at me and seems taken back, quickly putting his bookmark between the pages and shutting it, he stands to his full height and makes his way over to me. "Wait, My apologies where are my manners? I am Loki of Asgard. Thor's brother." He takes my hand softly and kisses the back of it.
My eyes widen in realization. I've heard so much about him from Thor's stories, I can't believe I didn't recognize him before. But even my own imagination could never truly conjure up something even remotely close to the creation of beauty standing before me. His eyes were blue as the ocean. And they were enchanting. I cleared my throat. "I'm Y/n, it's lovely to meet you Loki, your brother has told me a lot about you. "
He quirked an eyebrow at me, mischief resting on his features. "Only good things I hope?"his voice was like velvet. Like a Sin to my ears as much as a blessing. He had an accent almost British but with something a little more. I nodded my head and smiled."Yes of course, only good things." He gave me a kind smile, his eyes shining. "Well he mustn't have been telling the whole truth then." I let out a soft laugh. "Maybe, maybe not." He releases my hand and placed his hands behind his back. "Well Ms. y/n since my brother is not hear to give you his teachings would you like if I shared my knowledge of a realm called Jotunheim? Have you heard of it?" I shake my head. "I might have heard of the name but nothing of the history. I'd love to hear about it, if you don't mind." He smiles and holds out his hand for me to take. "It would be a pleasure Ms. y/n, I can think of nothing better to occupy my time this evening."
I took his hand, and he led me up some stairs to the top of the roof, there was a dark emerald lounge chair and a iron welded shelf of books along beside it. As I looked up at the sky I was completely and utterly wonderstruck. Stars shined brighter than anywhere I'd ever been. It was as if magic was tossed across the night sky, shining just for the two of us. He sat Down on the lounge chair and guided me with him to take a seat. As he Releases my hand. "No better place is there for such a night?" He says looking at the stars. I shook my head, "This is beautiful. Would you mind if I came up here again to do my research?"
He faces me and Looks straight at me He smirks."Only if I may accompany you when you do so."
I place my hand out in front of him to shake. "It's a Deal then." He takes my hands and shakes it in agreement. "Deal."
I cross my legs and wait for him to start.
He runs his hand through his jet black hair and thinks for a moment. "Lets begin shall we?" I smile and keep my undivided attention on him.
"There is a realm amongst the nine, it is called Jotunheim. It is the land of the Frost giants. The land of ice and snow. It is also the land of my people where I was born..."
And from that Night on, we continued to meet each other on the roof top. Sharing stories which led to secrets and of the past and dreams of the future.
And Of course I kept my weekly sessions with my good friend, the god of thunder. but I also visited Loki during the weekends. And sometimes even during the week after hours when everyone else was sleeping soundlessly. And it turned out to be the beginning of everything I could've ever dreamed of.

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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