Character Q&A: Answers

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@chloe_martin10 : what does rdysasi mean?

I've actually been waiting for someone to ask me this. It's my first and middle name initials plus my last name: Rebecca Danielle Ysasi :)

@allykat1316: How did you learn to write? I mean, I'm only 15 but want to be a writer and your fanfiction (being a fanfiction) is so well written, everything makes sense and it all fits together timeline wise. 

I can't really say that I "learned" how to write. I sort of just improved with what I had. When I first started writing PYW I had no idea what I was doing. I had no plan. I just had an idea and rolled with it. I didn't plan out the plot like I should have; I just wrote chapter by chapter. It wasn't until I took a Creative Writing course in college when I really learned how to write fiction properly. Even though I never had the plot fully developed, I still had an idea as to where the story was going. Eventually I figured out (by the use of my characters' motivations) the direction of my story and how I wanted the characters to develop. My characters were my main focus. They drive the story. They make the decisions. I just guide them there. I feel like I'm going off on a tangent. I took an Advanced Fiction Writing course in college as well which is where my writing really improved and I understood the proper elements that need to be incorporated into a story. It takes a lot of practice and there are going to be times when you think your writing is absolute trash (I still think that on a daily basis) but the only way to improve is to keep practicing. Reading is a great way to pick up on different writing styles as well. :)

@allykay1316: Why did you decide to choose the name Emilia?

I'm going to be honest, I really didn't put much thought into the names of my characters. But midway through the story, I looked up the meaning of the name Emilia and it means to strive, to excel, or to rival. I honestly think the meaning of the name fits Emilia as a character. She is someone who strives to overcome her fears and to be the best person she can be. Personally, I've always loved the name Emilia and I love the nickname Emmie even more. So naturally I used the two and I love the outcome of it.

@allykat1316: Why did you decide to give Jared a background that make your fans (no matter how angry we are with him) pity him?

Every character needs a background whether it be as developed as Jared's or barely detailed. I wanted my readers to connect with an unlikable character and sympathize with him. I wanted to make him as real as possible, and by giving him a backstory like his, it makes you realize as a reader that he's still human in this fictional world. As much as I hate him and as much as I know you guys do too, that backstory was significant for his development and actions.  


@recklesshemmo: On a scale of 1-10, how much do you love Ashton?

Do you remember that friendship scale that I used for Ashton when I first met him until we started dating and then he basically broke that scale? Well, that's not the case for this. I honestly think I would scale my love for Ash at about 6.5-7. The whole concept of love is still fuzzy to me, but I know that he'll help me break this scale sooner or later.  

@5soslittlemonster98: Since you met Ashton your life turned 360 in every way possible, but of all the things that had happened between you two what would you like to change and why?

I think you mean my life has made a 180 not 360. If it were a 360, I would be back to contemplating throwing iPhones across the library and listening to the idiots on campus for my personal amusement. But he has changed my life in so many ways that I can't even fathom it sometimes. I think the only thing that I would change would be running away from Ash after he confessed that he liked me. I think we both needed each other at that time, but it was something new to me—something that I didn't understand but I wish that I did. However, I think we both needed that space and if we didn't, I don't think we would be dating right now, or even talking to each other for that matter.   

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