Kai Havertz ~ Bayer Leverkusen

Start from the beginning

"What do you call an old snowman?" Kai said once he had figured out what joke to tell you. He was already laughing before he even finished telling you the joke. You were about to ask him why but Kai didn't allow you already deciding to tell you the punchline. He managed to only get it out with you understanding him when he stopped laughing.

"A puddle," Kai said laughing once again. You just rolled your eyes completing ignoring him now. He was very easily entertained.

"Let's just put these on the snowman." You stared standing up and walking over to where Kai was stood. He passed you the stones whilst he held the sticks and put them on the snowman for the arms. You had the stones so carefully put them on the face making sure you don't press them too hard so that the head falls off. Luckily you made the face of the snowman without the head falling off but unfortunately didn't have any scarves or a hat to put on him so he was naked on that front. You didn't even have any carrots for a nose so he wasn't able to smell but you did make sure to put bottons on him because you couldn't forget that he had a top on which needed buttons.

"Our snowman." You said standing next to him and hugging it. Kai took a photo of you with the snowman hugging it and standing next to it and then took a selfie of all three of them together. He also took a picture of the scene around them wanting a good picture of the snow. After some thought, Kai decided to post it to Instagram. He doesn't post a lot about your relationship but for some reason he wanted to so he asked you and after you looked at the pictures you agreed not thinking you look to and in them. He posted it with the caption 'If kisses were snowflakes, I'd send you a blizzard🌨⛄️' Kai showed you the caption and you tried but you couldn't help yourself and you started to laugh and shake your head at him. Only he would be someone to have a caption like that but it was too funny to you, you couldn't find yourself to care.

"Come on let's go for a walk," Kai said once he was sure that the photos were up onto Instagram. You nodded your head knowing that a walk would be good and even though it is freezing the air was nice and it was nice to be outside a bit especially after being stuck inside for song long because of the rain. Also, a walk would hopefully warm you up a little bit more because you would be moving around. Kai grabbed your hand and you both started to walk down the snowy street together. Luckily for both of you since you were holding hands it slowly started to warm up your hands a little bit. It was only a little bit of warmth but right now it was better than nothing. You both walked together for about 10 minutes before Kai turned to talk to you. His cheeks and nose were rosy red from the cold so you could probably guess what he was going to say or ask.

"Right let's get back inside or else we're going to freeze to death," Kai said bringing you back inside. You probably would've argued against him dragging you back inside however you couldn't feel your fingers so it was probably for the best you go back inside. You could always go back out later when you warm up and get the feeling back in your fingers. It had only just gone past midday so still had a lot of time left in the day also it would probably still be there tomorrow as well but you needed the feeling back. It didn't take long till you were back in the house into the warmth the two of you walked as quick as you could back to the house before anything else could freeze although it felt like most of your body was frozen.

"Let's get changed as it will be warmer," Kai said immediately going up the stairs and you followed him knowing it would be a good idea. Running up the stairs you went straight to your room seeing Kai getting changed out of his warm winter clothes that were no longer warm into a pair of joggers and a jumper knowing that would be warmer. You followed his lead by also changing into some joggers and his jumper knowing his jumper would be warmer than one of yours. Even after getting changed out of your wet winter clothes you were still freezing and even though you knew that you wouldn't warm up that quickly you kinda hoped you would warm up a little bit but you were shaking from how cold you were. As soon as Kai noticed that you were shivering he wrapped you up in a hug until he came up with an idea.

"Right I'll get the fire on and you start making the hot chocolate because they should both warm us up," Kai said to you pulling away from the hug and taking you into the kitchen so you knew what to do. He turned away from the kitchen trusting you to make the hot chocolates whilst he sorts out the fire. You made the hot chocolates without spilling anything on you and you quickly put the whipped cream on top quickly because the fridge was cold therefore the can that the whipped cream came in was also freezing cold. You were debating whether or not to actually put whipped cream on top of the hot chocolate but you thought you should or else Kai would probably throw a fit over it. You put the whipped cream on it with some marshmallows then just held the mug in your hands hoping it would warm them up. You would carry them into the living room and meet Kai in there but your hands were still shaking so you wouldn't be able to carry them without spilling some of it on the floor. Luckily for you, Kai came into the living room to help you carry them.

"Come on lets cuddle in front of the fire to warm up," Kai said to you grabbing the hot chocolates out of your hands so you could sit in front of the fire with the blanket. You could hardly hold your hot chocolate because of how much you were shaking because of how cold you were even though you were just stood with a hot chocolate in your hand. You grabbed the pillows throwing them on the floor in front of the fire before grabbing the blanket and wrapping it around yourself and took a seat on one of the cushions in front of the fire. Kai placed the hot chocolates on the floor in front of you before taking a seat on the other pillow and pulling the blanket to cover him as well. He moved closer to you before grabbing both of your hot chocolates and passed one to you. The two of you sat in silence just enjoying the warmth's the fire and hot chocolates and the cosiness of just the fire was warming you up greatly however it was also making you tired. The warmth always makes you sleepy like a lot of other people and you could really do with a nap. Once you drank your hot chocolate you placed it down on the floor and manoeuvred yourself so your head was placed on his lap and the cover was covering you fully. His hand went straight to your hair and ran his finger through it. It didn't take long till you were asleep in his lap. You didn't know how long you would be asleep for but you needed this nap.

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