Go To Sleep

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   "Isn't it grand to be back in the Shire again, Merry?" Pippin grinned. It had been two months since their triumphant return and they still seemed to be in awe of the Shire.

   Merry smiled and, reaching down, twined their fingers together as they stared at the beautiful Shire landscape together. "There's not enough grass in the world outside the Shire, is there, Pip?" Merry questioned softly.

   Pippin's hand clenched tightly for a moment as the question was posed before loosening again. "No, not enough at all."

   The next thing either of them knew was a blur of light and color as someone or something knocked into them from behind, sending them tumbling over in the grass. Merry shot up, his instincts, hardwired into battle mode for so many months, kicking in. In an instant he had their attacker pinned to the grass, their arm twisted behind them at an awkward angle.

   "It's just me, you fool of a Brandybuck!" The "attacker" complained. As Merry let them up he saw that it was just Merry's sister, Estella.

   Merry released the breath he hadn't known that he had been holding. "You can't just sneak up on us like that, Estella. It's bloody terrifying. Isn't it Pip?" There was no answer. "Pip?" Merry whirled around to look for his love.

   Pippin was still curled on the grass, he didn't seem to be injured but he also seemed to be hyperventilating. His eyes were staring wildly around but not focusing on anything. Merry was at his side in an instant. "Pippin? I need you to breath with me, alright?"

   Pippin shook his head wildly. "The orcs are going to eat us, Merry," he said in a strangled whisper. "They caught up with us again."

   Merry sat cross-legged next to him and wrapped a comforting arm around Pippin, glaring at Estella as she took a few tentative steps closer. "We'll never see those orcs again, Pippin. They're dead, remember?"

   Pippin nodded, looking unconvinced still. "Just breath with me and they won't get to you."

   Merry took a deep, exaggerated breath and was pleased to see Pippin trying to copy it. It took a long time for Pippin to calm down and, when he finally did, he looked away, ashamed. "I'm sorry about that.."

   "Don't blame yourself, darling," Merry whispered gently. "It's not your fault a fool of a Brandybuck decided to tackle you so soon after the war."

   "I'm tired, Merry," Pippin whispered, curling up with his head in Merry's lap.

   "Go to sleep, lovely Hobbit," Merry murmured. "I'll be here when you wake up." He paused to consider for a moment before murmuring a phrase pieced together from words that he had learned both during his time with the elves and from Legolas. "Glenn- na sleep, mui mel." *

   Pippin's mouth curled into a smile, though his eyes were closed, at the use of this beautiful language however hesitant it sounded. "Im will, mel,"** Pippin responded in his own very hesitant Elvish.

   Merry stroked Pippin's unruly curls as the younger Hobbit fell asleep before glaring up at his sister. "You can't do that, Estella. We're jumpy still, you know?" He whispered angrily.

   Estella seated herself next to him, "Actually... I don't really know, Merry. You never fully told me what happened. I heard you say something about a war and you spoke in Elvish just now, didn't you?"

   Merry took a deep breath before beginning with a determined sigh, "I'll tell you everything I know..." his eyes twinkled momentarily, "Seler."***

*Go to sleep, love.

**I will, love.


(A/N I love the idea of Legolas and maybe some of the other elves teaching the Hobbits Elvish.)

Pippin x Merry OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now