Chapter TWO

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The maid shrieked, pulling the sheet up to cover herself as she stood on shaky legs.

"Leave." I ordered, gaining control over loose jaw. My green eyes bore hard into the prince's deep brow ones, neither of us willing to blink.

The maid curtsied, pulling the linen sheet higher she sniffled as she scurried to the door. More than likely humiliated and embarrassed; she could loose her job, her life even if word got out it was her.

"H-how did you get in? Who are you?" The prince stuttered, reaching for his trousers at the end of the bed.

I held up the key, the one that was made special for this mission. I dropped my gaze as he pulled his trousers on, my eyes landing on his shirt by my feet. I stooped down, picking it up and tossing it to him.

"Who are you? And what do you want in return for your silence?" The Prince asked.

I straightened my back, and held his fearful gaze again, "Your mother hired me." I lied, stepping closer to him, folding my hands in front of me. "She thought you would need looking after before your birthday ball. Seeing as your future bride will be there."

He stood up from the bed, "My mother never mentioned this to me." He argued angrily, stepping over the cream colored duvet on the floor, getting closer to me.

I glanced at the balcony, that would be my escape.

I took a step forward, my shoes getting dirt on the beautiful fur rug. A shame, really. But who was I to care?

"She didn't mention that was hired you a sitter. Or that you're engaged, and most definitely not to a lowly maid?" I said, knowing I was toying with him. But how could he prove it? Surely he wouldn't ask his mother if she hired someone to watch him before his party. Then he would have to tell her the story of how he met her.

And a mother always knows when she's being deceived by her child.

The prince kicked the duvet, sending it a foot or two in the air. I glanced at him, taking in his red face, and angry stance.

"My father will not tolerate this!" He shouted in a whisper.

I smirked, walking across the room to him, "Of course he wouldn't. No King wants to hear his only son couldn't keep it in his pants for a maid." I paused, taking a moment to study his face. He definitely was handsome, it was no wonder that the poor dumb maid fell for him.

"Do you love her?" I asked, brushing past him, sitting myself down on the couch next to the balcony door.

So soft.

The prince's head whipped around, " Who?" He asked, buttoning his suit coat.

I rolled my eyes, he really was as dull as they say. "The maid. Or your fiance. Either one really. Do you have any feelings for either of them?"

He met my gaze with guarded eyes, looking me up and down as if he could see right through me. "I don't believe that's any of your business. I don't answer to anyone." He straightened himself to appear taller, "I'm the Prince."

I almost laughed. Of course, he thought his actions had no consequences. He was partially correct in that thought- no consequences for him, but if anyone were to find out the maid he was with, her life would be over as fast as the prince could bat his spoiled lashes.

He lived so remotely in his own world that he didn't have any regard for anyone but himself, and how it would benefit him.

My jaw clenched in anger, I would show him. I would show them all. They can't live as if nothing matters to only benefit them.

And in that moment, I did the only thing I could do. I would show him that his actions did have consequences, that even though he thought nothing would happen, it would ruin the relationship between his fiance. Whom he's only met once, and that was to propose. Not for her hand, but for her kingdom. It was an alliance, there was no love there, everyone knew it. Even the prince himself.

His actions will not go unpunished, I would make sure of it.

"I guess you're correct," I said lighting, standing up, pretending to be interested in the picture hanging on the wall. "I suppose it is none of my business," I paused, letting him think he had won.

He smirked, clearly patting himself on the back. His mouth opened to form some idiotic sentence, but I cut him off.

"But it is the Queen's business, seeing as she's paying me to spy on you."

His mouth clamped shut, the anger sparking back in his eyes. Now it was my turn to smirk, I got him right where I wanted him. Pinned against the wall and the only way he would know how to get out is opening his change purse and letting the money fight his battles.

"Whatever my mother is paying you I will make sure it's doubled." He stated, crossing his womanly arms across his broad chest. You could tell he'd never struggled a day in his life.

He pointed a finger at me, "IF you agree not to tell anyone about this little ...rendezvous."

I walked over to him, my stride long and calculated. I put my hand out, "Deal."

He looked at my hand, almost disgusted at having to touch me, before rolling his eyes. He swallowed hard, shoving his clammy hand into mine, shaking it quickly and ever so delicately before he pulled his hand away.

I gagged internally at how wet his hand was, and God knows what was on them. "That hand was meant for my fee which you agreed to double, not for you to touch me with your sweaty hand." I sneered, whipping my hand on my corset dress.

His reddish pink lips formed an oh, as if the light just turned on. He pulled out his change purse from his trouser pocket, and pulled out 2 pieces of eight.

I cleared my throat, signaling him she was paying me more than that.

The prince pulled out 2 more pieces of eight, and raised his eyebrows at me.

I hid my smugness, nudging my finger up for one more.

The prince sighed, "I only carry 7 pieces around out of safety,you're going to leave me with nothing."

I smiled, "Take it up with the Queen."
I snatched the purse out of his hand, taking all the pieces he had. He need not know that the Queen never hired me, or that I'm taking his money only to sell him out later.

I emptied all 7 pieces into my hand, "This will just have to do, I'm afraid." I sighed deeply, feigning disappointment, even though this more than covered what I was getting paid for the job tonight. Which I now could not complete seeing as it was a trap.

Walking over to the prince, I smacked the empty change purse onto his chest as I went by. I could practically hear the temper tantrum happening Inside his mind. Like a child whose toys got taken away, I knew once I left the room he would let it out. Whether is was on whoever had to clean this room, or it was on the candelabra that he could throw into the fireplace.

I sauntered to the door, no longer worried about seeing the man of my nightmares. He was long gone. More than likely distracted by the half naked maid I sent running out of here.

Twisting the door knob, I paused and looked back at the Prince, grinning.

"A very happy birthday to you, my prince."

And with that, I walked out of the room, making sure everyone would know what went down in this castle. I would do the only thing I could do to punish him.

I would tell the truth.

And as for Randal, the man who I trusted to keep an eye out for my worst nightmare, he would get what was coming to him.

He was going to pay for selling my secrets. 

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