Chapter 5

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February 1st

You woke up to the feeling of Willy leaving the bed, you yawn rubbing your eyes gently and squinting over to the handsome figure of your husband

"Morning darling" You rasp out, pushing some hair out of your face and letting out a groan, you slowly stand to your feet

"Oh! I'm sorry if I woke you up" Willy exclaims, rushing over to you and giving your forehead a quick kiss and placing a gentle hand on your stomach "Hows the bean today?"

"He's a little more active today, my due date must be close" You smile to him, you look past his shoulder and see it's the 1st of February "Is today the day?" You ask and he nods

"Yes, hence the reason I'm up quite early" He motions his head over to the alarm clock which blares 6:30

"I forgot to ask you, but I saw the last winner of the Golden Ticket yesterday, he left his gloves behind, may I return them to him?" You pull out the gloves from a drawer

"Of course my love! In fact you can come along for the tour" He clutches onto your hands and kisses you gently "I know I never show you as much attention that you deserve but you do know I love you more than my chocolate factory, right?"

"Of course Willy, what brought that up?" You look at him and he sighs

"You always go out into the real life and I never give you the love you deserve it constantly makes me feel bad" Willy explains

"Willy...You've already given me so much love, I mean look at what your love for me created" You motion for your stomach and you watch as tears well up in his eyes "No, wipe those tears away, I love you so much Willy and I always will" You brush your thumbs over his cheeks and he gives you a loving smile

"You are my everything..."

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