meeting you for the first time

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You're friends made you come to camp Crystal lake with them you really never get out of the house so they wanted you to tag along once you got their you were so tired so you found a cabin and past out later you woke up to screaming jumping out of bed and running outside you see all of you're friends dead you turn around to run but a tall man in a hockey mask blocked the way you both looked at each other. He walked away from you you didn't know if he was going to come back so you hoped in the car and got the hell out of their

You being the good older sibling you took you're little brother trick-or-treating walking down the Street's of haddonfield sure it's a quiet town but on Halloween everything changes with the story of the bogeyman walking by the old Myers house always scared you're little brother so he ran ahead. To the next house looking behind you for one second once you turned back around you ran face first into someone's chest looking up at the person they had a white mask and an old blue jumpsuit you quickly said sorry and walked past the tall male. Turning back to see his watching you're every movement you. You walk home with you're sibling and made sure to lock the doors


Driving down a dirt road with you're so called friends when you're car ran out of gas being the smart one that you are you told them that you would go to the closest house and ask for some help you take you're brother with you walking towards this big house and knocking on the door. A woman answers the door you tell her that you're car ran out of gas and you asked nicely if she has some gas she gives a nod and tells you too come inside but once you got in you were hit on the head by someone or something

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