Hen. (16th Chapter)

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Harmony's POV:

I place my palm on Harry’s chest, trying to push him back to lie down. His emerald jewels stare at my hand, slowly moving upwards to my face. Once he looks at me, his mouth forms a weak smile, before he crashes down in a deep sleep. I look at Louis in complete worry, but he pats my back to emphasise that he’ll be all right.

“Do you mind if he slept here for the night? It will be an impossible task to move him out.” I stiffen slightly, not knowing what I must do. I have never had a guy over, and to think that Harry will be the first; it amazes me to be honest. “(I smile at Louis, while we both stand up to walk to the kitchen) On one condition though.” His smile grows in relief, followed by a light bob from his head. “I need you to tell me what you meant by me becoming another mark.”

His facial expressions change, making him look a little tense; worried even. “You really need to know?” He asks me, portraying his hesitation on the topic. He sits down on a kitchen chair, as I slide beside him on one too. “You were very serious that night, and I won’t lie; you made me curious. Please Louis, if I’m involved then I must know.”

He gives me a warm smile, understanding how this information could affect me. “I’ll tell you everything I know, but don’t go over reacting like a hen in a bird cage.” I laugh lightly at his simile, waiting for him to begin. I fear the unknown, even though I feel like my life is a complete chaos right now; its still a possibility that it might be ruined completely, from what I am about to hear.

“(He breathes, rubbing his temples) I’ve known Harry since the day he moved here. He used to live in Holmes Chapel, before he came to London. We both learned a lot about each other, and we tended to form a friendship as the days passed. I helped him find a job where I work; I think you know where that is by now. But, I didn’t depend on plumbing as my only income… (He gives me a worried look, then proceeds) I have some business on the side as well. Well, Max, the owner of the plumbing company; he used to have a daughter around here. Harry wasn’t like this you know; you could barely see any courage in him to go talk to a girl. Long story short, he fell for her; really deep. She claimed to have the same feelings for him, but then one day… (He pauses, making me more anxious) She told Harry that she enjoyed his company, and that she will be traveling to study abroad. He clearly thought she was messing with him, not seeing the truth as it is displayed. Only when she traveled, he knew that she tore his heart, stepped on it, and placed it back in his cold hands. He became aggressive, highly drunk, and incredibly violent; and well… he started having many affairs with random girls he could spot. He never changed since Laura left, and his appeal to you made me realise that you would be another mark of his antics. I can’t stop him, neither can the other lads; he needs to crush hearts, just to feel satisfied about his pain. We give him endless talks, trying to find sanity in his behaviour, but it never could be located. I worry about him, but I also worry about you right now.”

“(I whisper, trying to calm myself) What business do you have on the side? Is Harry involved as well?” His eyes fill with sadness, once hearing my question. “Its not that I don’t trust you, but its not safe for you to know. And I’m not proud to say this, but yes he is involved; the rest of the guys too… To make it clear for you, we don’t play by the rules in this job; but it’s the only way we could afford the huge house, and its entire posh interior. Promise me something? (I nod quickly) Just don’t tell him anything that I just said. He isn’t a person that enjoys a heart-to-heart about this topic.”

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